Fanny Reyes is a very popular senator from the state of New York Fanny Reyes is a very popular senator from the state of New York. Edgar Pena, who also lives in New York, is tired of the high cost of all the gyms in the city that he frequents to pump his muscles up before school. In these challenging economic times, it will be very difficult for him to afford the high cost of his gym membership, and his muscles will shrivel up by next week if he stops going to the gym. So Edgar writes a letter to his senator Fanny Reyes. Fanny, a member of the “Muscle Beach” party, feels her constituent’s pain and writes a bill, S.R.-249, that would make Mr. Pena’s gym membership less expensive. Complete the following flowchart using words in the box below. It is immediately sent to a _________ where the _______ determines whether or not to consider it. Fanny introduces the __________ into the ____________. Then, they send it to the __________ where the members debate and ultimately _______ on the idea. Next, a ___________ gets the bill. They invite professionals and even Edgar himself to discuss the bill in what is called a ___________. The bill then passes with a ___________ vote. It is then sent to the _________________ and they repeat the whole process. If a member of the opposing party thinks that they may lose the vote, they might try to ______________, by talking for a long time and putting off a vote. Congress is unable to override the president. They cannot get the ____________ to do it. Sorry Edgar, your muscles will go bye bye. The bill passes again. And Edgar’s gym bill is looking good. Now it must go to the ___________, Miguel Martinez. Miguel is very jealous of Edgar’s muscles. So instead of ________ the bill, he decides to ________ it. WORDS: 2/3 majority, president, bill, veto, Senate, House of Reps., committee, subcommittee, majority, floor, vote, hearing, sign, filibuster, chair
This is the answer key from the activity yesterday. Check your answers This is the answer key from the activity yesterday. Check your answers! Also, you have a quiz in 5 minutes. Study! It is immediately sent to a committee where the chair determines whether or not to consider it. Fanny introduces the bill into the Senate. Then, they send it to the floor where the members debate and ultimately vote on the idea. Next, a subcommittee gets the bill. They invite professionals and even Edgar himself to discuss the bill in what is called a hearing. The bill then passes with a majority vote. It is then sent to the House of Representatives, and they repeat the whole process. If a member of the opposing party thinks that they may lose the vote, they might try to filibuster, by talking for a long time and putting off a vote. Congress is unable to override the president. They cannot get the 2/3 majority to do it. Sorry Edgar, your muscles will go bye bye. The bill passes again. And Edgar’s gym bill is looking good. Now it must go to the president, Miguel Martinez. Miguel is very jealous of Edgar’s muscles. So instead of signing the bill, he decides to veto it. WORDS: 2/3 majority, president, bill, veto, Senate, House of Reps., committee, subcommittee, majority, floor, vote, hearing, sign, filibuster, chair