L1 Functional Maths TIME PLANS July 2019. Kindly contributed by Nicola Smith, Gloucestershire College. Search for Nicky on www.skillsworkshop.org Please refer to the download page for this resource on skillsworkshop for detailed curriculum links and related resources August 2019. Kindly contributed to www.skillsworkshop.org by Nicola Smith, Gloucestershire College. Legacy Functional Mathematics curriculum links FM/E3.8 Complete simple calculations involving money and measures. FM/L1.7 Solve problems requiring calculation, with common measures, including money, time, length, weight, capacity and temperature. Reformed Functional Maths curriculum links E3.12 Read, measure and record time using am and pm. E3.13 Read time from analogue and 24 hour digital clocks in hour and minutes. L1.20 Convert between units of length, weight, capacity, money and time, in the same system.
Create a time plan for Maha. Maha writes down the tasks she must do tomorrow. Help in farm café 12 pm – 2.30 pm Lead farm tours 11 am and 4 pm (each tour lasts 30 minutes) Check stock in farm shop (30 minutes) Check apple juice machines (30 minutes) Work in farm office (1 hour) 30 minutes lunch break Maha wants to start work at 9 am and finish work by 5 pm. Create a time plan for Maha. August 2019. Kindly contributed to www.skillsworkshop.org by Nicola Smith, Gloucestershire College.