Unloading and handling of MEBT Henrik Mårtensson Rigging Lead www.europeanspallationsource.se 2019
Small material All material with a size <2.0 x 2.0 x 2.0 meters will be transported in the elevator at FEB 100 – FEB 90. Max weight 3000 kg. A forklift will be used to unload the truck outside FEB 100 and a pallet handler will be used to drag the material to the installtion area.
Unloading of material at ESS Site Rafts and other material Gate for trucks
Storage areas at FEB 90
MEBT Lifting Tool Lifting yoke provided by ESS Bilbao. Lifting eyes provided by ESS Bilbao. Steel rods provided by ESS Bilbao. Note that all material needs inspection before use. Documents are required in both Swedish and English. Stabilizing bars provided by ESS Rigging.
Method demonstration at ESS ESS Rigging team demonstrating the cranearm used on a forklift with a 1.5 ton load.
Lifting of smaller equipment ESS Rigging Team can provide two types of lifting assisstans for smaller material. For the Mobilev crane the operator will need a swedish crane certificate and experience of working with similar cranes othervise a rigger from the ESS Rigging Team has to operate the crane. The gantry crane can be operated by a trained person, note that the person needs experience of working with similar equipment. This is required by swedish law. (AFS 2006:6) The gantry crane can be equiped with a 1 ton electric telfor.
Thank you for your time!