Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 May 2019 Comments on Proposal to Submit IEEE 802.11ax and EUHT to ITU for IMT-2020 Date: 2019-05-12 Authors: Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel) John Doe, Some Company
Outline Background from IEEE 802 EC 5G SC Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 Outline Background from IEEE 802 EC 5G SC Information about IMT-Adv and IMT-2020 submissions Comments on joint EUHT and 802.11 submission to IMT-2020 Summary and Recommendations Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Background from IEEE 802 EC 5G SC and AANI (1/2) Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 Background from IEEE 802 EC 5G SC and AANI (1/2) EC 5G SC Action B3 Adopted (EC-16-0119-01-5GSG): IMT Proposal, External Proposal Support development of a 3GPP proposal for IMT-2020 incorporating references to integration of IEEE 802.11 or an IEEE 802 Access Network. This is confirmed by the straw poll results (25 July) LS to 3GPP (802.11-16/1101r10): LS from 802.11 to 3GPP RAN and SA on IMT-2020 GPP RAN TSG and the IEEE 802.11 WG to work together to improve WLAN aggregation and overall network performance Improving WLAN aggregation to assist 3GPP in providing complimentary ways of meeting some IMT-2020 use case requirements, potentially leading towards inclusion in an IMT-2020 submission. Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Background from IEEE 802 EC 5G SC and AANI 2/2) Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 Background from IEEE 802 EC 5G SC and AANI 2/2) Proposed Submission of 802.11 based mmWave system to IMT-2020 (IEEE 802.11-16/1067r2) AANI discuss the proposal and some prep work was conduced between Nov 2017-Jan 2018 AANI Straw Polls (802.11-18/0228r1): showed lack of majority support for submission. Motion in 802.11 approved (802.11-18/0228r1): The AANI SC is unable to recommend an IMT- 2020 submission for the January 2018 meeting but intends to continue to consider the open issues until the end of the March 802.11 meeting. Despite 3GPP lack of interest in collaboration with IEEE 802, the overall level of interest remains very low and therefore a competing submission is not recommended. Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 Past Example: Schedule for the development of IMT-Advanced radio interface Recommendations Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
IEEE Submission of IEEE 802.16 for IMT-Advance Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 IEEE Submission of IEEE 802.16 for IMT-Advance Self Evaluation by WiMAX Forum Evaluation Group (WFEG) Total of 9 company members active during the internal self evacuation and calibration as well as external evaluation and consensus building during 2008-2010 Three support evaluation groups (ARIB, TTA, WCA & WFEG) amongst total of around 14 evaluation groups Three transposing organizations ARIB, TTA & WiMAX Forum Reference: IMT-Advanced submission and evaluation process Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 Schedule for the development of IMT-2020 radio interface Recommendations Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
3GPP Submission of 5G NR for IMT-2020 Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1093r2 May 2019 3GPP Submission of 5G NR for IMT-2020 3GPP Self Evaluation Group started on September 2017 (RAN#77) Total of 20 member companies actively working on self evaluation calibration of 12 Categories based on 5 Test environment (3GPP RT-180006). 3GPP is targeting final submission of Rel-15&16 at RAN#84 in June 2019 (RP-190344) Coordination with Evaluation Groups (total of 12 for IMT-2020) IMT-2020 submission and evaluation process Test Environment Configurations Indoor Hotspot - eMBB Configuration A Configuration B Configuration C Carrier frequency for evaluation 4 GHz 30GHz 70GHz Rural - eMBB Configuration C (LMLC) 700 MHz 4 GHz Dense Urban - eMBB 1 layer (Macro) with 4 GHz 1 layer (Macro) with 30 GHz Urban Macro - mMTC Inter-site distance 500 m 1732 m Urban Macro - URLLC Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Support Organization in IEEE 802 for Submission to IMT-2020 May 2019 Support Organization in IEEE 802 for Submission to IMT-2020 Industry wide self evaluation and calibration is critical (in early stages of submission as well as external evaluation and consensus building) in success of submission Less than two month to the deadline for Step 3 submission, IEEE 802 has not organized any systematic evaluation group and/or calibration procedure This requires sufficient knowledge and deep understanding of the protocol as related to various components of (S)RIT (EUHT and 802.11ax) collectively by members of the proponent organization Partial self evaluation conducted by NuFront (HUET) plus some earlier work on 802.11ax No external evaluation organization formed or expressed interest in supporting a submission by IEEE 802; no coordination is conducted No plan or interest with regards to transposing organization for adoption of the technology As it can be seen from previous straw polls (feasibility) and it is evident from the current status of logistics in IEEE, it is not feasible to go through proper processes and submit a candidate technology to IMT-2020 Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Comments on joint EUHT and 802.11 submission to IMT-2020 May 2019 Comments on joint EUHT and 802.11 submission to IMT-2020 Past discussion in 802.11 did not identify enough support or value in making a 802.11 submission to IMT-2020 – we believe this to still be the case today However, even in the unlikely event this has changed, any submission to IMT-2020 should only include technologies that are familiar to the 802.11 membership Fair to say that the majority of 802.11 members are not familiar with the EUHT technology EUHT was not developed using the IEEE 802 process and open to contributions from any 802.11 member It is not appropriate for IEEE 802 to endorse a non-standard, proprietary technology – would create a precedence for the future. In the past, IEEE 802 expressed several concerns with regards to the EUHT technology as documented in 11-11-0865-00-0jtc-802-11 [1] Assuming an optimistic case where such a joint submission to IMT-2020 were to be successful in obtaining IMT designation, there is the possibility that the Wi-Fi market would need to support an unfamiliar technology (i.e., EUHT) in their products Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Summary and Recommendations May 2019 Summary and Recommendations The idea of IEEE 802 submission to IMT-2020 has been extensively and repeatedly discussed in IEEE 802 There are major concerns about the merit of such submission, feasibility and interest in IEEE 802.11 Moreover, there are significant implications if IEEE 802 were to accept to make a joint submission with EUHT to IMT-2020 Therefore, we do not support or recommend a joint submission of EUHT and 802.11ax to IMT-2020 Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel)
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 May 2019 References [1] 11-11-0865-00, IEEE802.11 Perspectives on document 6N14746 (NB of China’s contribution on the MAC and PHY Specs for Wireless high data rate application - 5.4.2 in 6N14603 WG 1 Agenda), 2011 Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel) John Doe, Some Company