Wellsville Central School District Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve 2019-2020 Budget Vote Date Tuesday, May 21st 7:00 am-9:00 pm High School Gymnasium Entrance
2019-2020 Proposed Expenditure Summary
Expenses (in Overview)
Estimated Revenue
Taxes Tax Levy 2018-2019 Tax Levy 2019-2020 $8,305,124 $8,222,073 Difference ($83,051) (1.0%)
Proposition 1 2019-2020 Budget: $29,999,913 Estimated Local Share of the Budget $6,549,932 (22%) Levy Decrease (1.0%)
Proposition 2 Authorization to purchase 2 buses with a total from both not to exceed $280,000 (1) 65 Passenger Bus (1) 46 Passenger Wheel-Chair Bus
Proposition 3 Authorization to establish a capital reserve for $1,100,000.
Board Members There are 2, 3-year term, vacancies for the Board of Education The candidates are: Rex Olson Steven Pettenati