Jella Kandziora, JUELICH Oslo, January 29th, 2019 WP 2: Call Secretariat Jella Kandziora, JUELICH Oslo, January 29th, 2019 Participating partners – FCT, SFI, RCN, MZO, UEFISCDI Close collaboration with all partners, but escpecially with Portugal, Ireland, Norway, Croatia, and Romania (new WP3 lead)
JUELICH: WP, deliverables, and milestones Task Timeline WP2 2.1 (lead) 2.2 (lead) 2.3 (lead) Call documents Online submission system Call launch and call secretariat M1 – M15 Deliverables: D2.1 Call documents for co-funded call Milestones: M1 Call documents, submission tool WP2: ensure an efficient call process and collaboration between call work packages. Thematic Leaders The Thematic Leaders will ensure that the cross-cutting areas are addressed in the activities of the Blue Bioeconomy Cofund, including the co-funded call and additional activities. They will oversee the coherence between the different Work Packages and Tasks of the Cofund with respect to coverage of the cross-cutting areas.
JUELICH: WP, deliverables, and milestones Tasks Timeline WP1 Support stakeholder engagement (Brokerage event, Partnering tool) M1-M60 WP3 Close collaboration with WP3, evaluation, submission tool M3-M15 WP4 Support monitoring procedures M1-M21 WP6 6.3 (lead) Novel funding arrangements for novel projects 6.4 (support) Define additional call themes and funding mechanisms 6.5 (lead) Launching the additional calls Deliverables: D6.1, D6.3, D6.4 call documents for additional calls Milestones: MS17 Novel funding arrangements for projects MS18, MS34, MS35 Call text for additional calls M15-53 WP7 7.1 (support) Mapping of R&I projects funded by national, international and EU financial resources and analysis of gaps M15-27 WP2: ensure an efficient call process and collaboration between call work packages. Thematic Leaders The Thematic Leaders will ensure that the cross-cutting areas are addressed in the activities of the Blue Bioeconomy Cofund, including the co-funded call and additional activities. They will oversee the coherence between the different Work Packages and Tasks of the Cofund with respect to coverage of the cross-cutting areas.
Call timeline
Call timeline 17 March 2019 (Week 11) Closing date for pre-proposals; pool of selected evaluators available; allocation of the project and checking the availability of evaluators 18-19 March 2019 Statistics of submission to be sent to the funding agencies ( 3 days after the pre-proposal submission deadline) 18-22 March 2019 Eligibility check by the call secretariat and informing the funding agencies about 1st phase 22 March - 08 April 2019 National eligibility check 08 April – 14 May2019 Evaluation of pre-proposals (peer review) 22 May 2019 Panel meeting 3rd June 2019 Selection meeting
Call timeline June 2019 Invitation for submission of full proposals 16 Sep 2019 (Week 38) Closing date for full proposals; allocate the proposals for evaluation 17 - 20 September 2019 Statistics of submission of full-proposals to be sent to the Funding agencies ( 3 days after the pre-proposal submission deadline) 20 September - 30 October 2019 Evaluation (peer review) 04 - 05 November 2019 Panel meeting/ranking list 11 - 12 November 2019 Selection meeting Jan - May 2020 Negotiation and start of the projects
Discussion Call timeline Dates, deadlines and locations When do we start to prepare the call text of the 1st additional call?