Some are LGBT+ and some are LGBT+ allies. Featured in the following slides are some of the thoughts and stories from a new guide from The Proud Trust: Faith In Yourself. The voices included are from people who have religion, faith or belief. Some are LGBT+ and some are LGBT+ allies.
LGBT+ ? L = Lesbian – women who are attracted to women. G = Gay – people who are attracted to people of the same gender. B = Bisexual – people who are attracted people of their own gender and other genders. T = Trans – a person whose gender does not match the one they were given at birth. + = – other related identities.
People describe religion, faith and belief as… There’s lots of things about us that are different, perhaps more than we think. Collect answers from pairs – how do they recognise / make room for / accommodate / celebrate their differences?
Our beliefs can be… SUBJECTIVE PERSONAL FLUID COLLECTIVE IMPORTANT RIGID CENTRAL TO HOW WE LIVE There’s lots of things about us that are different, perhaps more than we think. Collect answers from pairs – how do they recognise / make room for / accommodate / celebrate their differences?
Is it possible to be LGBT+ and… Have beliefs? Have a faith? Be religious?
Where do beliefs come from? There’s lots of things about us that are different, perhaps more than we think. Collect answers from pairs – how do they recognise / make room for / accommodate / celebrate their differences?
What do we do when our beliefs conflict? How do we know which belief is right? Is anything ever ‘right’ or ‘wrong’? There’s lots of things about us that are different, perhaps more than we think. Collect answers from pairs – how do they recognise / make room for / accommodate / celebrate their differences?
True False or DISCUSS & MYTH BUST...
people who are religious. Beliefs are only for people who are religious. True False or Everyone has their own personal beliefs. Sometimes these are shared by others, sometimes they’re not. Religious beliefs and non-religious beliefs are both valid, valuable and are worthy of respect (unless they intentionally harm others).
People within the same religious group share the same beliefs. True False or In all religions, faiths and communities there will be differences in opinion and belief. People interpret what they read, hear, and feel, differently. Even when it is thought that there is a shared belief on something, everyone is an individual, which means that personal beliefs will vary.
It’s easy to establish what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’. True False or Generally, many would say that things which are harmful to ourselves or others are ‘wrong’. When we think about identity; unless your identity is causing harm to yourself or others, should it be considered ‘wrong’?
It’s possible to be friends with someone who has different beliefs to you. True False or If a person’s beliefs aren’t harming you or anyone else, it shouldn’t affect the potential for a friendship with them. They are still someone worthy of being treated with respect.
You can be religious and be LGBT+. True False or In all religions and faiths there are LGBT+ people. There are also many people within all communities who are accepting and welcoming of LGBT+ people. In the UK there are a number of LGBT+ religious and faith groups that are for, and who welcome and include LGBT+ people.
Conflicting thoughts For LGBT+ people who have religion, faith and belief, the journey of accepting these identities together isn’t always an easy one.
“God made you a woman/man, so Sometimes these conflicts can come from other people, saying things like… How might you respond? “Being LGBT+ ? That doesn’t happen in our religion or culture.” Just because something is not being talked about openly, does not mean it is not happening. “God made you a woman/man, so you can’t change that.” “God made me with the intention of me having a full and happy life, which for me, includes a transition.
“Praying more devoutly will stop you being LGBT+” Sometimes these conflicts can come from other people, saying things like… How might you respond? “God created man and woman to be together. Not man and man or woman and woman.” If everyone was created by God, then so too were LGBT+ people. Being LGBT+ is not a choice. Nothing can make you become LGBT+, and nothing can make you not LGBT+. “Praying more devoutly will stop you being LGBT+”
Sometimes conflict can come from within, young people told us… “Life is full of contradictions – be one!” “You don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love.” “It's completely fine to have doubts with your religion, your self-image, your identity and more. What's important is to understand that what you feel is natural.”
Words of reassurance… “When I realised that there were other Muslim LGBT+ folk out there, it meant the world, because I realised I wasn't alone… You're not alone, and you'll find your place amongst people who are just like you.” “You are made in the image of God, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. You are loved.“ “Take your time to understand who you are, but know that God loves you all the same.”
We are all different! Lets make space to respect and celebrate our differences and each other! Collect answers from the students – are there any changes that the school could make to better support, celebrate and be inclusive of LGBT people?
For more information on being a person of faith and LGBT+, or to find your local LGBT+ youth group, check out our website: