Council Orientation October 24, 2017 Safety Codes Overview Council Orientation October 24, 2017
Why do I need a Safety Codes Permit? You require a safety codes permit to ensure that the work you are completing is meeting the requirements of the Safety Codes Act and other regulations. This will not only give you peace of mind, but may also be a requirement of your homeowners insurance. Non-compliance can have an effect on your ability to sell your property in the future.
Safety Codes Act The development of a public safety system in Alberta has been a gradual process. Government involvement in this area was triggered by public demand. (1897 steam boilers) Most early public safety legislation simply responded to specific dangers as they arose. Focus has since shifted to a more cohesive system with the ability to predict, rather than respond to risks to the public.
Safety Codes Accreditation Athabasca County became accredited and began administering the program in 2001. As an accredited entity, Athabasca County has the responsibility for administering the safety codes system in accordance with their accreditation, the accepted Quality Management Plan (QMP), and legislation under the Act.
Application of the Safety Codes Act The Act applies to fire protection and applies to the design, manufacture, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of buildings electrical systems elevating devices gas systems plumbing and private sewage disposal systems, and pressure equipment
Development Permit vs Safety Codes Permit A development permit is required before a safety codes permit will be issued in many cases The DP allows the use, under the LUB The SC permit covers the design of the structure or system under the relevant code, regulation or standards of practice
Permit process Clerk accepts permit applications with all supporting documentation and collects fees Clerk issues electrical, plumbing and gas permits in-house as a non-SCO permit issuer Sends application packages for building and private sewage permits to our contractor for plan review and issuance by a Safety Codes Officer (SCO) Contractor inspects the work Contractor closes the permit compliant, or identifies deficiencies to be rectified
Inspection Services The County contracts out the inspection services for permits The Inspections Group currently holds the contract with the County and many other nearby municipalities Inspections are performed by Safety Codes Officers Services, schedule of inspections, etc., are laid out in the Quality Management Plan (QMP)
Inspection example Building Permits – New Single Family Dwelling Foundation prior to backfill Framing prior to drywall Final prior to occupancy
Enforcement Orders are issued by Safety Codes Officers when they believe the Safety Codes Act or associated regulations, standards or codes are being contravened or when there is a risk of injury or damage. Orders state what must be done to come into compliance with the Act and set a deadline for completion of the work required by the order. The enforcement of an Order is the responsibility of the County.