Hydrogel skin as a lubricating layer. Hydrogel skin as a lubricating layer. Cross-sectional views of (A) the coated specimen of PDMS + NdFeB (20 volume %) with hydrogel skin visualized by absorbed fluorescein and (B) the uncoated specimen without hydrogel skin. The dashed line in (B) indicates the boundary of the cross-section of the uncoated specimen. Top views of (C) the coated specimen with hydrogel skin and (D) the uncoated specimen. The fluorescing specks visible in the uncoated sample were due to residual fluorescein adsorbed onto the surface. (E) Schematic of testing setup for measuring friction coefficients using a rheometer. (F) Schematic of testing setup for measuring force required to pull a cylindrical specimen (diameter of 8 mm) at a constant speed under applied normal force by the pair of grips. (G) Semi-log plot of the pulling force measured over time during the pullout test performed at 200 mm min−1 for both coated and uncoated specimens under two different normal force conditions (2 and 5 N). Friction coefficients measured from both coated and uncoated samples under different (H) shear rates and (I) normal pressure. (J) Friction coefficients measured from prolonged shearing of both coated and uncoated samples up to 60 min at shear rate of 0.5 s−1 under normal pressure of 6 kPa. The error bars in (H) to (J) indicate the SDs of the mean values obtained from five different measurements. Yoonho Kim et al. Sci. Robotics 2019;4:eaax7329 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works