Dual-color FISH analysis of 16p13 Dual-color FISH analysis of 16p13.3 gain in FFPE prostate cancer specimens. Dual-color FISH analysis of 16p13.3 gain in FFPE prostate cancer specimens. The arrows indicate, normal interphase nuclei with 2 orange signals (16p13.3 locus) and 2 green signals (centromere 16) in the tumor specimen with no 16p13.3 gain (A); nuclei with 3 orange signals (16p13.3 locus) and 2 green signals (centromere 16) per nucleus, indicating a single copy 16p13.3 gain in a prostate tumor (B); and nuclei with high level of gain (>3 orange signals and 2 green signals) in a prostate tumor (C). All representative pictures were taken at ×96 magnification. D, The pie chart represents the proportion of RP specimens in McGill cohort, harboring 16p13.3 gain as assessed by FISH. Yogesh M. Bramhecha et al. Mol Cancer Res 2018;16:115-123 ©2018 by American Association for Cancer Research