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Presentation transcript:

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT Presentation for OhioLINK CIRM September 6, 2002 Margo Warner Curl Coordinator of Cooperative Collection Development, CONSORT Colleges mcurl@wooster.edu CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT HYPOTHESIS There is too much duplication of items in CONSORT, particularly in current purchases. CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT Overall there are 1.41 item records per bibliographic record in CONSORT. This includes multi-volume and multi-copy items. This includes all formats of materials. CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT How much duplication is there in recent purchases? CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT POPULATION Bibliographic records for print monographs in CONSORT for which there was at least one order record attached with an order received date between July 1, 2000 and December 31, 2001 – 23,002 bibs. CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT SAMPLE Determined that sample of 325 records was needed in order to have 99% confidence that the sample mean of copies per title was in .1 copy/title of the population. Used SPSS v.10 to manipulate the data Random sample selection performed as a function of SPSS CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT METHODOLOGY Looked up each bib in CONSORT Noted holdings of each institution (ignored multiple volumes, ignored multiple copies at single institution) CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT RESULTS 1.66 copies per bibliographic record 54.8% of the titles had only one copy 22.7% of the titles had two copies 14.5% had three copies 3.1% had four copies CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT Of the 325 titles, 309 were circulating, 16 noncirculating Circulating titles – 1.63 copies / title Noncirculating titles – 2.27 copies / title CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT Is there a way to make this more meaningful to library staff & directors? CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT COST of duplication For every $1 of the cost of a book, CONSORT libraries collectively are spending $1.66 For every $1 of the cost of a circulating book, CONSORT libraries are spending $1.63 CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT COST of duplication Library A – 63.6% of holdings duplicated – 63.6% of budget to duplicated items? Library B – 65.2% Library C – 66% Library D – 73.6% CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT CIRCULATION – of 309 circulating titles Titles with one copy - .74 circs/item Titles with four copies – 1.72 circs/item CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT QUESTIONS Is there an optimum number of copies per title? Is reducing the amount of duplication between collections a valid goal? CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster

DUPLICATION IN CONSORT QUESTIONS Is it possible to articulate characteristics of titles more or less appropriate to duplicate? Can practical strategies be developed to reduce the amount of duplication? CONSORT Denison University, Kenyon College, Ohio Wesleyan University, The College of Wooster