Welcome to Grade 11 World Religions
My Goals: Getting to know you better. Equipping you with valuable knowledge and skills that you can apply to your life both in and beyond high school. Helping you set and achieve new goals. Giving you the opportunity to develop and share your God-given talents. Allowing you to collaborate with other students in a meaningful way.
My Classroom Rules and Procedures: Before we begin covering the course curriculum, it is important that you become familiarized with my classroom rules and procedures. I will read these expectations to you and then ask you to sign a contract where you agree to follow my rules and procedures.
My Classroom Procedures
1. Arriving to Class Please enter quietly and take your assigned seat. I will change the seating plan every 4-6 weeks to be fair. Review the lesson outline on the board and begin any bell work or ongoing assignments.
2. Getting Your Attention I will stand in a central location, raise my hand, and/or ask you to stop what you are doing to listen to me.
3. Attendance Please attend class regularly and recognize the link between showing up and succeeding in the course. You need to have a parent or guardian authorize your absences. Being persistently late and/or skipping class will result in parental contact, contact with your VP or Principal, and detentions.
4. Staying on Track I encourage you to visit my website to get updates and access course materials: williamsresources.weebly.com Try to find a buddy in class who you can talk to if you miss a class. Check the homework board and the handout folder to stay up to date. Please feel free to talk to me about any questions or concerns you have.
5. Classroom Discussion Please try to participate as much as you can. Raise your hand and wait for me to acknowledge you before speaking. Try to make questions and comments relevant to the discussion topic(s).
6. Personal Electronic Devices PEDs should be silenced and put away during lessons and tests unless I have given you permission to use them for educational purposes. During independent work periods you may use your phone for educational purposes or listen to music while you work but you must use earbuds or headphones.
7. Bathroom Breaks Ask for permission or raise 3 fingers if we are in the middle of a discussion or task. Bathroom breaks are not permitted during lessons unless it is an emergency. No more than one student may leave the room at a time for a bathroom break.
8. Textbooks You will be assigned a textbook with a specific number. Please take care of the textbook you are assigned and bring it to class every day. You will have to pay for a replacement book if you lose your assigned textbook.
9. Homework and Assignments Always do your homework and assignments. An incomplete homework slip must be completed when you neglect your homework. A contract must be completed when you neglect to complete an assignment on time.
10. What to do with Extra Time If you finish a task early, try to focus on working on an ongoing assignment, preparing for an upcoming test, or organizing your notes.
11. Dismissal Wait until I dismiss you or you have heard the bell ring before leaving the room.
My Classroom Rules
My Classroom Rules: Respect: Treat each person in the room with dignity and respect. Remember the golden rule – treat others as you would like to be treated. Follow all directions the FIRST time they are given. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Bring all appropriate books and materials to class AND take them with you when you leave. Follow all classroom procedures, rules, and school policies. Remember that this classroom is a no complaining zone. That means that there will be no complaining for any reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest. Rather than complain, look for the positives and always feel free to talk to me about any questions or concerns you have.