Tumor Characteristics and Molecular Subtypes in Breast Cancer Screening with Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: The Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial In a prospective screening trial of 14 848 women over 5 years, 37 additional invasive cancers were detected at one-view digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). The proportion of luminal A–like cancers (53% vs 46%; P = .48), progesterone-positive status (69% vs 74%; P = .63), and low Ki67 rate (58% vs 57%; P = .88) were similar in cancers detected at DBT and cancers detected at digital mammography (DM). There are no differences between the modalities in the distribution of tumors less than or equal to 2 cm in size (86% vs 85%; P = .88), node-negative status (75% vs 74%; P = .89), or luminal A–like subtype (53% vs 46%; P = .48). In a 55-year-old diagnosed with a luminal B–like HER2–negative invasive ductal carcinoma, the spiculated tumor is occult at digital mammography but detected at digital breast tomosynthesis (arrow). Johnson K et al. Published Online: September 3, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2019190132