Welcome to West Middle School Mrs. Wiley 6th Grade Language Arts
Writing Study grammar, conventions and style Forms of writing will include: Narratives Informative Text Persuasive/ Argumentative Compare/contrast Cause and Effect Study grammar, conventions and style CERC = Claim, Evidence, Reasoning and Conclusion
Reading Students will read literary selections from the Language of The Literature Anthology . Novels will be read as a whole class, in class and independently. Fiction (Short Stories, Novels, Oral tradition) Nonfiction (Biographies, Essays, Speech ,Explanatory Text, Autobiographies/Memoirs) Poetry Drama
Reading Continued Students will develop Reading/Writing logs for vocabulary, reading comprehension strategies and text analysis strategies. Book reports will be assigned throughout the school year. Students should read independently at home for ½ hr. per night or 3 hours per week.
How To Turn In Papers All final drafts should by typed or neatly written in ink pen. Neatness Counts! Points will be deducted for visible eraser marks, white out or wrinkled papers. Name, date and hour should be in the right hand corner. Rubrics (when given) should be stapled to the writing assignment. In this order: Rubric Final Rough Draft Prewriting, Brainstorming Papers (Webs, Graphic Organizer, etc.) Typed Papers Size 12 font Times New Roman Font Style Double Spaced
While you were out Check the website from home Due the next day Vacation Notice Sports Activities etc.
Grades Interim Reports Please check myrcs Missing Work Late Work
Grades Point values will be given to daily assignments, quizzes tests, etc. Some homework assignments done together will receive 5 points for completion. Projects will have a rubric attached with a point value. Percentages will be averaged and grades are given according to the Rochester Schools grading system. Note: late work will not be accepted beyond 1 week. (Unless pre-approved based on illness)
Website The website will used for reminders, assignments and updates. The actual website is at. www.rochester.k12.mi.us click on West Middle School Click on classroom news Click on Mrs. Wiley Click on Language Arts
Contact me…. Email Preferred Phone call – 248 -726- 5000 Conference Period – 12:20 -1:20 Thank You