AssetWise Operational Analytics AMR.43
AMR.43 New Banner and Menu A new menu and banner has been introduced to AssetWise Operational Analytics. New Banner: Previous Banner:
New Banner and Menu - Icons AMR.43 New Banner and Menu - Icons Click on each icon to activate. Click on the same icon again to remove the information. Click on … Click on this icon, will navigate to the dashboards. Click on this icon to navigate the user to the Data Tree Explorer feature of Operational Analytics Click on icon… Display the version number Link to Help Topics Click on icon… Display the user name and login ID Allow users to navigate to their profile Sign Out
New Banner and Menu – Menu Display AMR.43 New Banner and Menu – Menu Display Click on will slide the menu up & down – causing all content to move up & down the screen… The menu options displayed will depend on the User Group permissions.
AMR.43 Footer & Legal Notices At the bottom of every dashboard or page there will now be a footer… This footer allows users to view copyright information and also the option to navigate to the OA Legal Notices. Clicking on the link will navigate the user to the Legal Notices page in a new tab…
AMR.43 Dashboard Tree Search A new search icon has been added to the dashboard tree. This allows users to search and filter the dashboard tree to minimise the number of containers that are listed. The search will go to the same level as the Dashboard Tree Level. The search will match on all or part of the search text. Search for “CHM 1523”. There are two matching containers. The tree is filtered and the matching containers are highlighted. Search for “CHM”. There are three matching containers. The tree is filtered and the matching containers are highlighted.