Change Management Committee 11th September 2019
2. New Change Proposals – Initial Review
2. New Change Proposals – Initial Review Agenda Item XRN / Title Customer Class / Voting Party Funding Split (%) Justification DSC Service Area Shipper Y/N DNO Y/N GT Y/N IGT Y/N 2.1 XRN4896 Failure to Supply Gas System and Template Amendment N Y N 100% Only DNOs are impacted because they are the party which trigger FSG invoices. Service Area 7: NTS Capacity, LDZ Capacity, Commodity, Reconciliation, Ad-Hoc Adjustment and Energy Balancing Invoices 2.2 XRN4923 AQ Calculation for RGMA (ONUPD) Estimate Reads Y 100% N/A DSC Service Area 6: Annual Quantity, DM Supply Point Capacity and Offtake Reviews 2.3 XRN5003 Data Access Platform DN Dashboard All DN’s will be able to access agreed portfolio data via this dashboard Service Area 21: Data flows and services to Network Operators 2.4 XRN5004 Golden Bullet report Reporting requirements are for DN purposes only
2.1 XRN4896 – Failure to Supply Gas System and Template Amendment Voting Parties and Funding Split Change Details Customer Class Voting Party? Yes or No Funding Split (%) Shipper NO Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) YES 83% National Grid Transmission 17% Independent Gas Transporter Justification for Impacted Parties:- Only DNOs are impacted because they are the party which trigger FSG invoices. Problem Statement In 2018 Northern Gas Networks voluntarily doubled their compensation payment from £30 to £60 for a failure to supply gas incident and shortly after Wales & West Utilities also decided to follow suit. As part of the gas Transportation Customer Standards of Performance there is a maximum value of £1,000 per incident; this value was not amended within Xoserve’s systems as part of the 2018 change but does need to be changed to £2,000. There are two specific areas where this maximum allowable value needs to be amended: •The Excel template customers use to create their submission •UK Link SAP ISU parameter change DSC Service Area: Service Area 7: NTS Capacity, LDZ Capacity, Commodity, Reconciliation, Ad-Hoc Adjustment and Energy Balancing Invoices Service Line Impacts (new, amended, existing, deleted), etc. Existing Link to Change Proposal XRN4896 CP Change Description Changes need to be made to the customer compensation submission form and align UK Link with the increased threshold to allow for the revised maximum compensation rate of £2000 where there is a disruption to gas supply.
2.2 XRN4923 AQ Calculation for RGMA (ONUPD) Estimate Reads Voting Parties and Funding Split Change Details Customer Class Voting Party? Yes or No Funding Split (%) Shipper Y 100% Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) N National Grid Transmission Independent Gas Transporter Justification for Impacted Parties:- Problem Statement When an RGMA ONUPD is submitted with no read record (DATASET_GROUP_READG), UK Link will generate an estimated read. This estimated read is then used in the Reconciliation process, but is not currently used to trigger the AQ calculation. As estimated transfer reading and class change readings trigger the AQ calculation, including the RGMA processes will bring consistency to all processes. Note defect 471 Change Description This change will Amend UKL to utilise estimated readings generated from RGMA ONUPD transactions for AQ calculations . This change needs to be aligned to be in place for the formula year annual quantity snap shot taken on 1st December 2019 therefore the change needs to be implemented to ensure that the AQ and SOQs have been calculated ready for the next Formula Year snapshot which is taken on 1st December 2019. DSC Service Area: DSC Service Area 6: Annual Quantity, DM Supply Point Capacity and Offtake Reviews Service Line Impacts (new, amended, existing, deleted), etc. Existing Link to Change Proposal XRN4923 CP
2.3 XRN5003 Data Access Platform DN Dashboard Voting Parties and Funding Split Change Details Customer Class Voting Party? Yes or No Funding Split (%) Shipper N Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) Y National Grid Transmission Independent Gas Transporter Justification for Impacted Parties:- All DN’s will be able to access agreed portfolio data via this dashboard Problem Statement Since the go-live of UK Link the CDSP have been using a cloud based data discovery and Business Intelligence (BI) technology to monitor and analyse internal data. The opportunity to leverage this CDSP capability provides customers a new and more visual way to receive and interpret the data services we are able to provide. The data can be visualised in the form of charts, graphs and dashboards to easily identify key metrics, trends and outliers and then to drill down into the points of interest to focus on the key information Change Description The scope of delivery will include: • Updates to the Data Discovery Platform Security Model to support rollout to Distribution Networks. • Development of a Distribution Network Dashboard based on data items highlighted below that are already available within the DDP. • Development of further data items to include Address and Twin Stream information to add further value for Distribution Networks. DSC Service Area: Service Area 21: Data flows and services to Network Operators Service Line Impacts (new, amended, existing, deleted), etc. Existing Link to Change Proposal XRN5003 CP
2.4 XRN5004 Golden Bullet report Voting Parties and Funding Split Change Details Customer Class Voting Party? Yes or No Funding Split (%) Shipper N Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) Y National Grid Transmission Independent Gas Transporter Justification for Impacted Parties:- Reporting requirements are for DN purposes only Problem Statement Currently a number of reports are produced which provide various data points that need to be collated by the individual networks – this report would collate all of that information into one, reducing workload and increasing data quality. Change Description Create Data items in 1 report. (See CP for the Excel spreadsheet with a list of Data items) DSC Service Area: Service Area 21: Data flows and services to Network Operators Service Line Impacts (new, amended, existing, deleted), etc. Existing Link to Change Proposal XRN5004 CP
3. New Change Proposals – Post Initial Review
3. New Change Proposals – Post Initial Review Agenda Item XRN / Title Customer Responses Organisation Change Proposal in Principle Key Points 3.1 XRN4992 Modification 0687 - Creation of new charge to recover Last Resort Supply Payments W&W Approve Q2 - Yes – will allow DNs and shippers to identify how much has been recovered in respect of supplier of last resort claims. This will allow for matching of costs and revenues by DNs. Details of SOLR costs and revenues are required to be confirmed to Ofgem each July. Q3 - We would support option 2 to be implemented: Add a new charge type to Scheduled Ancillary Invoices NGN Approve Q1 - We believe that option 3 would cause the biggest risk/cost to NGN. Due to the time constraints to implement option 1, which would have been our preferred option, we support option 2 as having the lowest material risk. Q2 - We believe the introduction of a new Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) Customer Charge should be a positive benefit to the market. Q3 - Modification Proposal should be implemented within a Major Release. Q4 - We agree with the proposed funding of 100% Shippers. E.ON Q1 - Depending on solution design and complexity there could be a risk to the invoicing processes. We prefer creation of a new charge type. Our approval is based on a new charge type only. Q2 - As this is an initial review we have not yet completed a full cost/benefit review, we understand the benefit proposed but are yet to quantify it. Q3 - We would support a major release, we view minor releases as housekeeping or Xoserve impacting changes only, this would impact invoicing and therefore would in our view be a candidate for a major release. Scottish Power No Comments No private Reps received (Link to CP)
4. New Change Proposals – Post Solution Review None for this meeting
6. Approval of Change documents
6.1 XRN4991 - Enabling large scale utilisation of Class 3 – MOD0700 - Project Update 6.1.1 Change Pack 1 – Responses August Change Pack Design Summary Outcome Key Points Proposed Release Organisation W&W WWU believes that the cost of this change should be met entirely by Shippers. No Target Date Given NGN We agree that changes are required to the UK Link Manual in order to facilitate this change. We believe clarity regarding the funding arrangements for this change is still required. E.ON If the solution is to deliver what we believe is intended then delivery needs to be implemented by this date to deliver the benefits proposed. We see this change as an initial facilitating change and further process reviews, including a post implementation review, is required. EDF We support the principal of a cap however are you saying that every with the removal of the daily capacity that we cannot send ANY class change requests without prior agreement? I think there should be a baselined defined max daily capacity by default allocated to each shipper not sure how this would be allocated. - FRJ would be better as this follows all other flow processes Total Please see Change Pack for all details SSE For the process of communicating rejections to shippers, our preference would be for the CDSP to use the standard file level rejection approach rather than email. This is because the use of email would require more manual process for shippers. Scottish Power The PARR needs to be assessed to determine if they will continue to measure compliance with the UNC700-amended performance obligation. No private Reps received (Link to CP)
6.1.3 Project Update We will provide the most up to date information on Mod0700 Design and Implementation Plan following the Change Pack closing out and the extraordinary DSG on Monday 9th