Associate professor Tiina Laatikainen National Public Health Institute SIHLWA –profile on youth risk behaviors Northern Dimension Youth Health Profile Associate professor Tiina Laatikainen National Public Health Institute Helsinki, Finland 31.10.2019
Background Majority of premature deaths is related to unhealthy behaviours Behaviours are closely embedded to culture and environment Health education alone is not enough to tackle the problem Methods involving youth and social skills training are needed 31.10.2019
Ways to tackle the problem Research & international research collaboration to identify risks and develop evidence-based interventions Health services’ support (especially primary health care) Demonstration programmes on different settings (population level, schools, educational insitutions…) Health Promotion Programmes (coalitions, NGO’s, collaboration with media etc.) 31.10.2019
Ways to tackle the problem Collaboration with industry and business Policy decisions, intersectoral collaboration, legislation Monitoring system: health behaviours and evaluation of programs International collaboration 31.10.2019
For program development Data necessary to: define health risks identify populations at highest risk determine the prevalence of health risks (eg. risk behaviors) determine the determinants of health risks (eg. determinants of behaviour) determine the enabling, reinforcing and constraining factors 31.10.2019
Pitkäranta, Russian Karelia Да/Yes Нет/No 31.10.2019
Pitkäranta, Russian Karelia Да/Yes Нет/No 31.10.2019
Курить сигареты ученикам на школьной территории Smoking in school yard is 31.10.2019
Есть ли, по-твоему, возможность купить сигареты в близких от школы магазинах или киосках человеку моложе 18 лет? Can youth under 18 years old buy cigarettes in stores nearby school? 31.10.2019
SIHLWA –profile on youth health ”Northern Dimension Youth Health Profile” Finnish initiative Data collection in collaboration with all ND partners Data collection in 2008-2009 Provide background data for program development Possibility for flexible updating 31.10.2019
Contents Information on risk behaviors: Smoking, alcohol use, drug use etc. Data on behavioral determinants: Demographic and socioeconomic factors etc. Legislation and policies: Contents of alcohol and tobacco legislation, regulations on sales and advertising, school policies etc. Successful and ongoing approaches Stakeholders (also profiles on interests and field of expertise) 31.10.2019
Prevalence of smoking at 9th grade according to performance at school % 31.10.2019
Future possibilities Publish data in format with easy access suitable for policy making purposes enabling comparison between countries/areas 31.10.2019