The IC4D09 Report Richard Heeks Centre for Development Informatics, IDPM University of Manchester, UK
ICT4D: Key Issues Over Time Level of ICT4D Activity Readiness - Awareness - Infrastructure - Digital Divide Uptake - Demand - Usage - Use Divide Impact - Development Goals - Efficiency - Effectiveness - Equity Availability - Supply - Maturity Stage
IC4D09 Highlight Points Readiness & Availability: Convergence and Backbones Impact: Broadband and e-Government Policy (“the menu and the restaurant”): e-Government Institutions Extensive ICT: IT-Based Services
Our Future Research Agenda? Impact Assessment New Forms of IT Outsourcing Demand-/Wants-Led ICT Usage Development 2.0
Mobiles and Development? Readiness Availability Uptake Impact
Climate Change and Development ICTs & Climate Change? Mitigation (Causes) Monitoring Adaptation (Effects) Strategy Climate Change and Development Physical Consumption Dematerialisation of Goods / Services Journey Substitution Physical Production Shift to Knowledge Economy Energy Generation & Distribution Smart Power / Grid Energy Use ICT Manufacture Efficiency ICT Use (Green IT) Smart Motors / Logistics Smart Building Design e-Enabled Carbon Markets e-Enabled Green Policy Networks CC Data Capture CC Data Processing CC Data Presentation / Dissemination Information on Adaptation Strategies e-Networks for Knowledge Building ICTs for Disaster Relief Connecting the Adaptation "Front Line" Green IT Business Opportunities
ICTs and the Bottom Billion? Social Exclusion Political Exclusion Economic Exclusion