Hormones and….more hormones Endocrine System Hormones and….more hormones
Review Terms Homeostasis* Target cells Receptor
Glands Endocrine glands hormones secreted into extracellular fluid Exocrine glands secrete into a duct for transport/release onto surface of body Hormones have prolonged, longer-lasting effects on the body Secretion is regulated by negative feedback
Pituitary Gland Aka Hypophysis Divided into 2 lobes Attaches to the hypothalamus via the infundibulum Anterior lobe - produces Posterior lobe - stores/releases Hormones implicated** MSH (pars intermedia) TSH LH FSH GH Prolactin ACTH *ADH (pars nervosa) *Oxytocin (pars nervosa)
Thyroid Gland Directly inferior to thyroid cartilage Cellular metabolism / calcium homeostasis Produces different families of peptide hormones: Thymulin Thymosins Thymopoietins Hormones implicated** Thyroxine (T4) Triiodothyronine (T3) Calcitonin – decreases blood calcium levels Isthmus
Parathyroid Glands Posterior surface of thyroid gland Composed of parathyroid cells and oxyphil cells Hormones implicated** PTH increases calcium in the blood
Thymus Glands Hormones produced responsible for immune system Gland is larger and more active when you are younger Divided into two lobes each subdivided into smaller lobules Outer layer: cortex / central: medulla Medulla contains cluster of thymic corpsucles (Hassall’s corpsucles) surrounded by lymphocytes Hormones implicated** Tymosin maturing of the immune system
Adrenal Gland Above the kidneys Separated into cortex and medulla, just like thymus Cortex divided into “zones” Zona glomerulosa (outermost) Zona fasciculata Zona reticularis
Hormones implicated** - Mineralcorticoids (ZG) - regulate electrolyte Aldosterone (tells kidneys to reabsorb Na+) - Glucocorticoids (ZF) – fighting stress, increases glucose Cortisol/Corticosterone - Androgens (ZR) Male sex hormones
Pancreas Performs both exocrine / endocrine functions Pancreatic acini Exocrine digestive enzymes/buffers Pancreatic islets Endocrine hormones that regulate blood sugar Alpha Beta Delta F Hormones implicated** Glucagon (alpha cells) raises blood sugar concentrations Insulin (beta cells) glucose uptake by cells
Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes http://theconversation.com/newly-identified-third-type-of-diabetes-is-being-wrongly-diagnosed-as-type-2-83536