The Indus River Valley Civilization
Geographic River system: Ganges and Indus – full of silt River-flow changes direction = farming impacts Monsoons- seasonal wind that brings HEAVY rain Indus Valley – 1st civilization 2500BCE Harappa and Mohenjo Daro Streets in a grid pattern Centralized design- Citadel at the center with warehouses and meeting halls in it
Religion- Hinduism Polytheistic faith of Hinduism formed along rivers by the Aryans No specific founder – the people’s belief system BRAHMAN- eternal being that created and preserves the world Several of their gods are manifestations of Brahman- Vishnu (preserver), Shiva (Destroyer) Reincarnation- a persons life now determines their next life- KARMA
VEDIC PERIOD (INDIA) 2000 BCE Sacred literature left behind – the Vedas: 4 collections of prayers, spells, and rituals Rig Veda: 1,028 hymns to gods Yajurveda/Samaveda: focus on sacrifice and prayer Atharveda: protective spells from demons and healing VEDIC PERIOD (INDIA) 2000 BCE
Between the Ganges and Indus Rivers Plickers 4. Where did the Indus People live? In the Himylayas Between the Ganges and Indus Rivers Between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers South India
Mauryan Empire Led by Chandragupta Maurya Gained most of his power through military and became dependent on strong centralized government to control his empire Divided his empire into districts led by appointed relatives and generals Chandragupta passed his throne on to his grandson ASHOKA in order to become a Jainist Monk After converting to Buddhism, he left his violent wants and encouraged peace. He inscribed his policies on rocks throughout the kingdom to encourage peace and religious tolerance Empire declined as Ashoka’s sons fought for power
Jainism Around 500 BCE, a group of Hindus broke away and founded a new religion led by Mahavira Hindus focus to much on ritual and that’s unnecessary Achieve perfection by giving up all worldly possessions and controlling their actions Ahimsa- NON VIOLENCE Jains carefully avoid hurting any living creature Vegetarian Promised to tell the truth and avoid stealing
Gupta Empire Chandra Gupta I Divided the country into units and had a royal official govern each unit Gupta rule became known as the Golden Age, or a period of great cultural achievements, peace and prosperity Many great works of Sanskit literature were written during the Gupta period Much of the art and architecture during the Gupta period was religious Many temples built out of cliff faces Gupta scholars devised a system of Hindu-Arabic Numerals which we use today! (invented 0!)
Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama- the Buddha Lived a very sheltered life free of hardship or suffering (he was a prince!), but when we learned that people died and got sick he resolved to find a way to overcome age and sickness to keep people from having to suffer Sought enlightenment for 6 years as he traveled He reached enlightenment under a tree after meditating all night long Seeking NIRVANA- heaven/ state of perfect peace after death If you don’t reach Nirvana- you are reborn
Buddhism 4 Noble Truths 8 Fold Path Suffering is part of human life Suffering comes from desire for pleasure and material goods Overcoming desire during life brings an end to suffering Desires can be overcome by the Eightfold Path Right View- Accept the 4 noble truths Right attitude- moderation Right speech- love not hate Right action- fair Right livelihood- avoid harm Right effort- improvement Right mindfulness- remain aware Right concentration- ignore temptations
Social Fierce social-class system based on Hinduism – the Hindu Caste Your position in life is based on skin color and wealth – can’t change level! Housing built on neighborhood model – functioning sewer system divided the people Language is undecipherable