Audio Books for Qualifying Students Learning Ally Audio Books for Qualifying Students
Learning Ally A source of human narrated audio textbooks and other audio books for persons with qualifying “print disabilities”. Not everyone who needs audio books, or who could benefit from audio books qualifies for membership to Learning Ally. Learning Ally – formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, is an online source of human narrated audio books. Like Bookshare, Learning Ally is an accessible media producer which TEA utilizes for providing audio books to qualifying students across the state. Teachers can download audio books on behalf of their qualifying students and students may open their own accounts. In order to utilize the district account to download audio books on behalf of a student, the student must have a certified print disability and the qualifying form must be on file.
Learning Ally To be eligible for membership to Learning Ally, a competent authority must certify that the person has a visual impairment, physical disability, or reading disability of physical basis, (such as Dyslexia or Learning Disability) and that the person’s disability significantly limits his ability to use printed materials.
Learning Ally Students with print disabilities due to blindness, visual impairment, physical impairment or reading disability which has a physical basis, are typically eligible for membership to Learning Ally. Humble ISD has an organizational account with Learning Ally, and can download audio files of textbooks for qualifying student members.
Learning Ally Audio books are downloaded to a computer and utilize special playback software provided by Learning Ally. Once downloaded, audio books can also be played back on Learning Ally’s free mobile apps for ios and Android.
Learning Ally How Learning Ally Works at School The ARD/504 Committee determines through approved district process, that a student with a disability cannot utilize print based materials and requires text books and instructional materials in a digital format. A district assessment professional determines whether the student has a “print disability” that qualifies for membership to Learning Ally and completes the necessary verification form. The student will be added to the district’s organizational account with Learning Ally. Teachers or other approved campus staff download the student’s audio files. Students receive their usernames and passwords to access their bookshelf with Learning Ally.
Learning Ally How Learning Ally Works at Home Students added to the district’s Learning Ally account receive a username and password to their account. Students access textbooks and download additional audio books through their organizational membership. Individual membership to Learning Ally is available to qualifying students who are not on the district’s organizational account for a fee of $119/year. Learning Ally provides free playback software for computer and mobile devices.
Learning Ally For more information about Using Audiobooks and Read-Aloud to Support Struggling Readers, refer to the following resources. Classroom Tips for Supporting Learning with Audio Books and Read Aloud Learning Ally: Research and Case Study