CARES Funding and Support Community Benefit
GOOD PRACTICE PRINCIPLES Launched April 2014, revised May 2019 Principles reviewed with a stakeholder group and formal consultation Available at
Enablement grant Up to £25K to help community groups identify the needs and aspirations of their community (eg Community Action Plans) , or support the securing and setting up community funds from renewables; Open to applications at anytime
Framework contractors Community Profiles and Action Planning - To enable communities to maximise the impact from community benefit funds or identify local energy opportunities through desk based research and community consultation activities to develop publically available community profiles and action plans. Supporting Community Responses to Energy and Income Opportunities - work with, and build capacity within, communities to help them respond effectively to new energy and income opportunities. Work with relevant stakeholders to identify and engage with the community that will benefit from the energy/ income opportunity. Facilitating Consensus on Community Fund Governance and Strategy - help communities by assisting them to build consensus on the appropriate governance structures, negotiate on formal agreements and adopt appropriate community strategies (eg for fund distribution).
Community benefit register