Warm Up: Why do you think the number of bills passed by Congress during the 2011-2012 session was a record low number?
Friday, March 29, 2019 Objective: Students will be able to analyze the reasons Congress has been unproductive in recent years. Purpose: Dysfunction of Congress occurs due to several things, but most importantly, due to people not voting.
Why Congress Has Been Unproductive Gerrymandering More concern about primary elections than general elections Election of candidates who do not want to compromise Lack of moderates in both the Republican and Democratic parties
Dysfunction in the 1990s 1994 Midterm Elections Republicans win control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1954 Contract with America: reforms failed, which led to Republican obstruction against President Clinton’s agenda 2 government shutdowns, which happened because of disagreements on spending for healthcare, education, and environmental protection Many Americans blamed the shutdowns on Republicans in Congress
Dysfunction Today Hastert Rule: a bill only is voted on by the entire House if a majority of the members of the largest party support it Freedom Caucus/Tea Party members have not compromised on legislation Played a key role in forcing John Boehner’s resignation as Speaker of the House Budget battles over Obamacare, debt ceiling Republicans have tried to use these as leverage to get concessions from President Obama
Other Issues with Congress Gerrymandered districts Misuse of the power to investigate (Benghazi, controversies surrounding Devin Nunes’ role on House Intelligence Committee) Low approval ratings/disconnect with the American people Lack of new ideas Many members of Congress have been serving for many terms
Closing: Congressional Term Limits Should members of Congress have a limit on the number of terms they can serve? Also, do you think that 2 years is a long enough term for members of the House? Explain your positions.
http://www.cc.com/video-clips/cjd8ds/the-daily-show-with-jon- stewart-cliffpocalypsemageddonacaust---totally-solvable-budget- problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg1Rs_T6p3Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRuoqQLVwcQ