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Presentation transcript:


Llwybrau diogel i’r ysgol Sut fyddwn ni’n cyrraedd yr ysgol? Meddyliwch am y llwybr a ddefnyddiwch i fynd i’r ysgol Beth allwn ni ei ddefnyddio i’n helpu i ddod o hyd i lwybr? Mapiau papur: map beicio, A to Z Rhyngrwyd: Mapiau Gwgl, Cynllunydd Taith. Dyfeisiau: Sat Nav, Ffonau Smart Mae’r rhain i gyd wedi eu seilio ar systemau mapio Today we have come to talk about ‘safe routes to schools’. How do we get to school? Possible Answers: car, bike, scooter, walking, bus, skateboard, etc Take a moment to think about your own route to school. If I wanted to change or improve it, what might I need to try and plan a route? Maps - on paper, where else could you find maps? A: internet, phones, sat navs All of these are based on MAPPING SYSTEMS

http://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/en/imgdata/topics/2005/img/tp05063http://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/0/885/modis_wonderglobe.jpg0_03.jpg So today we are flying above the earth, to get a good look we’ll fly closer

http://upload. wikimedia http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Wales_from_space.jpg/544px-Wales_from_space.jpg What area are we looking down at now?

And closer, what part of the world are we booking at now?

Where going to zoom in a little more, now we can see some names of places marked

So we are now hovering over? Where are we hovering over now? A: wales Yes! Wales this is what it looks like from above. What do we call a view from above? A:Birds eye view All maps are based on a Birds Eye view , looking down from above. Now we will look at a map of wales from exactly the same view point

A map is simply a plan of the ground on paper A map is simply a plan of the ground on paper. The plan is usually drawn as the land would be seen from directly above. Who can come and point to where Cardiff / Pembroke is?

This is what Cardiff looks like from above, can you spot which area we are in now?

This is what Pembroke looks like from above, where are we now?

Darllen map Fel arfer bydd gan fap y nodweddion canlynol: • Enwau lleoedd a lleoliadau pwysig. • Symbolau safonol i ddangos lleoliad y tirnodau a’r nodweddion allweddol. Allwedd, i egluro beth mae’r symbolau ar y map yn eu golygu. A map will normally have the following features:  • The names of important places and locations.  • Standard symbols to show the location of key landmarks and features.  • A key, to explain what the symbols on the map mean. Maps give us a lot of information and there is not much room for labels. So we use symbols to save space and make the map easier to read. Symbols may be simple drawings, letters, shortened words or coloured shapes or areas. A map will always have a key to list and explain the meanings of the symbols used. It is therefore not necessary for you to learn all of the symbols as you will have a key. However it will make it quicker if you are familiar with some of the more common ones.

I’w hystyried wrth gynllunio llwybr……. Math o ffordd Llwybrau beic Cyffyrdd Defnyddwyr eraill y ffordd Pellter Graddiant Tywydd Dillad Offer: Beic addas i’r ffordd Esgidiau da Pecyn trwsio pynjar/offer Man storio/ clo Helmed Things to consider when planning a route Route: Type of road * cycle paths * Junctions *other road users * Distance *Gradient Weather: clothing * Equipment: Road worthy Bike * Puncture repair kits * Cycle storage * helmet

Graddfa Map a Chyfeirnod Grid Graddfa: mae graddfa yn dweud wrthych faint yn llai y mae’r tir wedi ei wneud er mwyn ffitio ar y papur. Os yw’r raddfa ar y map yn 1:50,000 yna bydd popeth ar y map 50,000 o weithiau’n llai nag ydyw mewn gwirionedd. Cyfeirnod Grid: mae’r cylch pinc yn y diagram gyferbyn yn 18 ar draws a 45 i fyny ac felly'r cyfeirnod grid 4 ffigur yw 1845. 47 46 45 44 43 42 Scale tells you how much the land has been scaled down to fit on the paper. If the scale of a map is 1:50 000 then everything on the map will be 50 000 times smaller than it is in reality. Grid Reference who can tell me what grid reference the pink circle in the Diagram? 18 across and 45 up, and therefore the 4-figure grid reference, is 1845. Next give out the cycle maps and Safe Features worksheet 16 17 18 19 20 21