SI International Biennium 2015 – 2017 Advocacy SI Convention Istanbul 2015 Quadrennium Board Meeting The 2015 -2017 Biennium got off to an exciting start with the decisions by the SI Board to make changes to: Establish the post of SI Director of Advocacy and SI Assistant Director of Advocacy changing the focus of Soroptimist International from Programme to International Advocacy. SI would develop their global voice representing women and girls while the Federations would take forward the direct action of members through Programme Action. Increased emphasis would be given to the work at the United Nations, supporting the SI volunteer representatives. Support the International President’s Appeal Educate to Lead: Nepal following the devastating earthquakes suffered by the people of that country. A committee made up of representatives of each Federation was established to support the IP Appeal chaired by SI ADA. An Advocacy Committee was established with representatives of each Federation, Chaired by IDA The IP also appointed a Research Consultant for Advocacy to support the work of the IP and the Advocacy Committee Appointment: SI ADA Sharon Fisher Appointment: SIDA Pat Black Appointment: Linda Witong Research Consultant Advocacy Establishment International President’s Appeal Educate to Lead: Nepal Establishment Advocacy Committee Change of focus from Programme to Advocacy
UN Global Summit agrees SDGs SI International Biennium 2015 – 2017 Advocacy Within a few months the United Nations were holding the Global Sustainable Development Summit in NY to transform the Millennium Development Goals to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. SI had a strong delegation attending. All Member States agreed to support the transformative action to change the world by 2030 leaving no-one behind. An ambitious agenda which civil society organisations and non governmental organisations such as Soroptimist International signed up to. Following agreement by the SI Board in 2016 the initial focus for SI was on SDG 4 Education and SDG 5 Gender Equality UN Global Summit agrees SDGs SI FOCUS: SDG4 EDUCATION and SDG5 GENDER EQUALITY
SI International Biennium 2015 – 2017 Advocacy SI @ United Nations During this Biennium the SI Board developed its links with the United Nations activities by Strengthening the SI UN representative team with additional representatives in NY, Geneva, Vienna SI officers accompanied by federation representatives spoke at events organized by UN representatives Inviting the UN reps to attend the Board meetings in Cambridge – Bette Levy NY and Dora Vrdlovec Vienna presented a report from all UN representatives about the additional support they needed to strengthen their work at the UN Rotterdam Wilfred Hendrickx Geneva and Liliana Mosca Rome presented a report on the detailed work of SI at their UN Centres Supported SI UN representatives standing for office with NGO representative committees Strengthened SI UN representatives team by increasing the number added to the team SI supported with visits to UN centres in Paris, Geneva, Vienna, Rome, Nairobi as well as NY speaking at events organized by SI representatives UN representatives were invited to attend Board meetings to present work at their centres Interim Board Cambridge Bette Levy NY Dora Vrdlovec Vienna, SI Board Rotterdam Wilfrida Hendrickx Geneva Liliana Mosca Rome
SI International Biennium 2015 – 2017 Advocacy SI attended and participated in UN events including in Mexico, South Korea, Geneva, Vienna, New York, Nairobi During this Biennium Soroptimist International Officers and representatives attended and participated in UN events around the world including in Mexico South Korea Geneva Vienna New York Nairobi Si supported by many other NGOs were able to submit written and oral statements to United nations events as well as speaking on behalf of women and girls. Si extended its networking with other non governmental organisations with Consultative Status at the United Nations, mainly due to the hard work of the SI UN representatives at each centre. SI staff worked hard on communications developing a new website and assisting with publications such as that for the High Level political Forum, showcasing the work which Soroptimists are doing in their local communities and providing evidence for change. SI submitted written and oral statements to United Nations meetings such as the High Level Political Forum with supporting publications SI had articles published in UN journals on line and through the NGO network in Vienna
SI International Biennium 2015 – 2017 Advocacy Annual Commission on the Status of Women, New York CSW60 – women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development CSW61 - women’s economic empowerment in the world of work The annual Commission on the Status of Women held in New York continued to be a major focus for including members in the SI work at the United Nations, with opportunities to participate and learn. The SI representatives in New York led by Bette Levy over this period played a leading role with the organizing NGO CSW Committee in New York. SI submitted statements on the themes of the Commission each year, contributed to interactive discussions, participated in events with other NGOs, and organized SI specific events with the Federations presenting their clubs’ Programme Action projects. SI delegation members wrote blogs and articles, spoke at parallel and main events, and contributed to the negotiations with some Soroptimist members being part of their national delegations. And were very visible! SI Submitted written & oral statements Organized and spoke at events Extended networks Wrote blogs and articles Contributed to negotiations
SI International Biennium 2015 – 2017 Advocacy Thank you for the opportunity to give this very brief review of Advocacy in the 2015 – 2017 Biennium Thank you to all the SI representatives who played such an important role in the early days of development of the Advocacy work of SI, and have now moved on. Thank you to all those who are continuing to work so hard. Thank you to all who were members of the Advocacy Committee and who helped to shape the way forward. Finally thank you to the support from Past International President Yvonne, Past ADA Sharon, International President Mariet and all the other members of the Board over this period. I wish the new Board and especially International Director of Advocacy Bev all the best for the future. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND