Writing a personal statement


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Writing a personal statement

Practicalities of writing a UCAS reference You can enter up to 3,980 characters (including spaces) or 42 lines of text (including blank lines). Anything above this and UCAS cuts it off! Font: Calibra size 11 Keep margins standard Prepare your statement using a word document or type itstraight onto Unifrog. When your tutor approves it you should copy & paste into Unifrog or make the necessary amendments directly on Unifrog..

How to structure the statement? What is your motivation for studying your chosen degree? (30%) What has (Teddington course 1) taught you? What has (Teddington course 2) taught you? What has (Teddington course 3) taught you? (45% for all two of three paragraphs)) How have extra curricular activities enhanced your application? (25%)

More detailed plan .. Plan your personal statement which should are linked, analytical, reflective and concise here using bullet points: What is your motivation for studying your chosen degree? (30%) What has (Teddington course 1) taught you, found interesting and why, wider reading? What has (Teddington course 2) taught you found interesting and why, wider reading? What has (Teddington course 3) taught you found interesting and why, wider reading? (45% in total) How have extra curricular activities enhanced your application? Masterclasses? Responsibilities? Relevant work experience? Voluntary experience? (25%)

The opening paragraph. Your opening paragraph aims to convince the admissions’ tutor that your application is worthy of consideration. It should capture your enthusiasm and passion for the course and how it will help you achieve your goals. The admissions’ tutor will be an expert on their subject. If your opening statement is dull the admissions’ tutor will rapidly lose interest. E.G “ I choose German because I was good at it” does not demonstrate a passion for the subject. You will be rejected.

Why do you want to study “x”? Bullet point reasons you want to study your chosen degree. Reasons to include might be: Childhood experiences? The importance of the subject in modern society? Visit to a particular place? A person in the field who inspires you (but avoid celebrities)? A book or article you have read? Compare your bullet points with someone else who wants to read a similar degree to you.