Abstract or Presentation Title Presenters Name Presenters Institution
NOTE: Regarding Disclosures Please note that our A-V company will post a slide with your Disclosures. We use the disclosure that was in our system when you submitted your abstract/information. The disclosure will show for 7 seconds, and you will not be able to control the mouse until the time is up. If there are significant changes since the time of submission, please include your own slide with any updated disclosure information. Please remove this slide if not providing additional disclosure information.
Learning Objectives (for Education Sessions) Please list your learning objectives here. Each session must have two to three objectives that highlight the instructional content and/or expected learning outcomes of your presentation (required by the ACCME). Please contact your session organizer /moderator if you do not have the learning objectives for your session.
Materials/Methods or Background (for scientific sessions)
Results/Outcomes (for scientific sessions)
Conclusion or Take-home Message (for all session types) As your final slide, please list: The key message or takeaways from your talk/study. What changes you expect your audience to make as a result of your presentation (if any). What improvements in patient care the audience will make as a result of your lecture (if any).