RHO Index Key Levels 13 June 2019
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Intraday Trading Signal Predict key levels before market opens Take action only when price reverse at the levels Take profit in stages
Delivered via Telegram Markets Covered US Dow Jones (Cash) S&P 500 (Cash) Nasdaq 100 (Cash) Asia HSI (Cash) SIMSCI (Futures) China A50 (Futures) 9:15AM NEW YORK TIME 9:15AM SINGAPORE TIME Delivered via Telegram
Predictions Sent Before Market Opens
Example Signal (S&P500) Stop Loss (2534) Day High (2524) May Have: Intermediate High (2508) Expected Opening Price May Have: Intermediate Low (2426) Day Low (2407) Stop Loss (2397)
Corresponding DLC for HSI DLC Long Corresponding to Day Low 7X Long (JYIW) Day Low: 0.508 Stop Loss: 0.491 5X Long (CIUW) Day Low: 1.052 Stop Loss: 1.028 DLC Short Corresponding to Day High 7X Short (CPSW) Day High: 3.682 Stop Loss: 3.571 5X Short (CITW) Day High: 1.017 Stop Loss: 0.996 24490 (Day Low) 24390 (Stop Loss) 25405 (Day High) 25605 (Stop Loss)
Potential Short at Predicted Day High
Potential Short @ Day High Stop Loss Day High Stop Loss .DJI has hit third support. Recommended Action: Close all short positions (Take full profit). .DJI has hit predicted low of 21780. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has hit third support. Recommended Action: Close all short positions (Take full profit). .DJI has hit predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has hit intermediate high of 22061. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has hit first support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). .DJI has hit second support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). .DJI has hit intermediate low of 21890. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has hit third support. Recommended Action: Close all short positions (Take full profit). .DJI has broken below predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Open new short position. Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low
Potential Short @ Day High Stop Loss Day High Stop Loss .DJI has hit stop loss of 22412. Recommended action: Close all short positions. .DJI has taken profit and closed all position. Recommended action: Close all short positions. .DJI has broken below predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Open new short position. .DJI has taken profit and closed all position. Recommended action: Close all short positions. .DJI has hit first support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). .DJI has hit second support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low
Potential Short @ Day High Stop Loss Day High Stop Loss .DJI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all short positions .DJI has hit predicted low of 21780. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all short positions .DJI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all short positions .DJI has broken below predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Open new short position. .DJI has hit first support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). .DJI has hit second support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). .DJI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all short positions .DJI has hit intermediate low of 21890. Recommended Action: Wait Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low 5 min before End of trading day
Potential Long at Predicted Day Low
Potential Long @ Day Low Day High .HSI has hit intermediate high of 25090. Recommended Action: Wait .HSI has hit predicted high of 25166. Recommended Action: Wait .HSI has hit second resistance. Recommended Action: Partially close long positions (Take partial profit). .HSI has hit third resistance. Recommended Action: Close all long positions (Take full profit). .HSI has hit third resistance. Recommended Action: Close all long positions (Take full profit). .HSI has hit third resistance. Recommended Action: Close all long positions (Take full profit). .HSI has hit first resistance. Recommended Action: Partially close long positions (Take partial profit). .HSI has broken above predicted low of 24550. Recommended Action: Open new long position. .HSI has hit intermediate low of 24730. Recommended Action: Wait .HSI has hit predicted low of 24550. Recommended Action: Wait Intermediate High Intermediate Low Stop Loss Day Low Stop Loss
Potential Long @ Day Low Day High .HSI has broken above predicted low of 24550. Recommended Action: Open new long position. .HSI has hit stop loss of 24450. Recommended Action: Close all long positions (Stop loss). .HSI has taken profit and closed all position. Recommended action: Close all long positions. .HSI has taken profit and closed all position. Recommended action: Close all long positions. .HSI has hit second resistance. Recommended Action: Partially close long positions (Take partial profit). .HSI has hit first resistance. Recommended Action: Partially close long positions (Take partial profit). Intermediate High Intermediate Low Stop Loss Day Low Stop Loss
Potential Long @ Day Low Day High .HSI has broken above predicted low of 24550. Recommended Action: Open new long position. .HSI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all long positions .HSI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all long positions .HSI has hit second resistance. Recommended Action: Partially close long positions (Take partial profit). .HSI has hit first resistance. Recommended Action: Partially close long positions (Take partial profit). .HSI is reaching end of trading session. Recommended Action: Close all long positions Intermediate High Intermediate Low Stop Loss Day Low Stop Loss 5 min before End of trading day
Before Entry (No Trade) Hitting Stop Loss Before Entry (No Trade)
Potential Short Opportunity (No Trade) Stop Loss Day High .DJI has hit intermediate high of 22061. Recommended Action: Wait (No more short trades for the day) .DJI has hit predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Wait Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low
Potential Long Opportunity (No Trade) Day High .HSI has hit predicted low of 24550. Recommended Action: Wait .HSI has hit intermediate low of 24730. Recommended Action: Wait (No more long trades for the day) Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low Stop Loss
Trading at Intermediate Levels
Example Signal (S&P500) Stop Loss (2534) Day High (2524) May Have: Intermediate High (2508) Expected Opening Price May Have: Intermediate Low (2426) Day Low (2407) Stop Loss (2397)
Intermediate Levels
Intermediate Levels More trading opportunities for advanced traders. “Discretionary Sell” or “Discretionary Buy” Stop loss should be as published for day high / low (further stops). Exit trades at your own discretion. No further alerts.
Intermediate Levels Stop Loss Day High .DJI has hit intermediate high of 22061. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has hit intermediate low of 21670. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has broken above intermediate low of 21670. Recommended Action: Discretionary Buy .DJI has broken below intermediate high of 22061. Recommended Action: Discretionary Sell Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low
Intermediate Levels Stop Loss Day High .DJI has hit predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Wait .DJI has broken below predicted high of 22329. Recommended Action: Open new short position. .DJI has hit first support. Recommended Action: Partially close short positions (Take partial profit). .DJI has broken below intermediate high of 22061. Recommended Action: Discretionary Sell .DJI has hit intermediate high of 22061. Recommended Action: Wait Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low
Intermediate Levels Day High .HSI has broken above intermediate low of 25550. Recommended Action: Discretionary Buy .HSI has hit predicted low of 25180. Recommended Action: Wait. .HSI has hit stop loss of 25050. Recommended Action: Close all long positions (Stop loss). .HSI has broken above predicted low of 25180. Recommended Action: Open new long position. .HSI has hit intermediate low of 25550. Recommended Action: Wait Intermediate High Intermediate Low Day Low Stop Loss
Important Notes
For Intraday Trades Only Valid only cash index opening hours. No new positions 60 mins before close. Exit all positions 5 mins before close. Hang Seng Index Singapore 9:30am – 4pm (- Lunch) SIMSCI Futures Singapore 8:30am – 5:10pm China A50 Futures Singapore 9am – 4:30pm DJI, SPX and NDX New York 9:30am – 4pm
Predictions are based on exchange listed instruments (Cash Index / Futures) For trading, you can use any derivative / trading instrument that tracks the index or futures (e.g. DLCs, Warrants, CFDs) Your broker’s CFD price will be different from cash index. Correlate using time stamp.
Major Indices and Corresponding CFDs World Indices Phillip CFD SIMSCI (SSGc1) Singapore Index SGD20 CFD HSI Hong Kong Index HKD5 CFD China A50 (SFCc1) FTSE China A50 USD1 CFD Dow Jones Wall Street USD1 CFD Nasdaq 100 US Tech 100 USD5 CFD S&P 500 US SP 500 USD5 CFD
Corresponding DLCs World Indices DLC MSCI Singapore Free Index (SIMSCI) MSG 5x, 7x Hang Seng Index (HSI) HSI 3x, 5x, 7x
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