End of day Calculator and special order parts tracking CIS248 – Advanced App Development Week: 5 Update By: Nick Arneson
Introduction Name: Nick Arneson School: Second year student at Southeast Technical Institute Enjoys: C# Networking Building custom computers Playing video games in free time
Project Description My project combines an end of day calculator for closing out the till at the end of day. It also focuses on using a database for managing special ordered parts for our clients. It will be used primarily by our store only at first, with hopes to integrate it into the other 40+ stores.
Key project tools Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise Edition For IDE, using C# MS SQL Express 17 For Database MSSQL Sever Management Studio 18 (SSMS) For Database management
Features & functions Load Function Upon loading, allows the datagridview alternating colors for an easier time navigating the sea of data. cPP_Order_SheetTableAdapter1.Fill grabs the data from the DB and fills the DGV. FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex, was first used when hitting the “add” icon which works great. I would love to be able to start the DGV at the bottom for a new entry, as those are the parts that still need to be ordered. Features & functions
Key input/output captures Top Image While you wont be able to tell from the PP, you’ll see hitting the plus icon brings you to the bottom for easily adding a new entry. Bottom Image Display the bottom entry. What is not pictured, is the header remains “frozen” so a new employee will always know what type of data needs to be entered and where. Key input/output captures
Database ERD Diagram The new and improved ERD diagram! Accounts and Vendors share a one to many relationship with each type of special order that can be placed. I thought about splitting Vendors, but decided against it, but I could more than likely create a more refined Vendors list. Added Access_Levels and Users tables, for an end goal of restricting certain to certain tasks. Example: Admin level has access to everything (Add users + below) Purchasers have access to add Vendors + below Users have access to add Customers.
Primary technical difficulties Trying to get the DataGridView to automatically go the last entry has been some what of a pain. Thankfully, I just started trying to incorporate this 07/07/2019, so I still have some time to fix my problem. When trying to update the DB in my project, I managed to delete it causing quite a few issues. Thankfully I was able to restore most of everything with in an hour or so’s time. This lead me to start using Version Control to create branches before doing major changes. :-D
Key code snippets ToolStripButton_Update ToolStripButton_Save This was original used as a “save” Changed code to allow a user to “refresh” the table without having to close the application ToolStripButton_Save This function validates the data (you will get an error while entering data anyway) Ends editing of the current line Updates the DB/Display with the newly entered data.
A Difficult problem and a solution! No real major issues besides previously listed. Things have been pretty smooth sailing when I have been focused on getting the DataGridViews set up the way I want for each table. Just takes time to fine tune everything due to OCD.