The European Network for Traumatic Stress Training & Practice 1
Disaster information and education Magda Rooze MA/MBA director Impact Amsterdam
Reference Multidisciplinary guideline on early psychosocial interventions after disaster, terrorism and other shocking events – Impact 2007
The guidelines on early interventions What to do and what not to do during the first 6 weeks following disasters, terrorism or other shocking events/incidents. Supportive context Preventive early interventions Curative early interventions Organization 22-10-2019
Scientific basis for the supportive context Broad consensus that offering solace, information and support, and attending to immediate and emotional needs plasy a valuable role in the acute coping of those affected by a stressful event (Litz et al, 2002) Agreement that practical and social support can play an important role in recovering from PTSD symptoms, particularly directly after a trauma (NICE, 2005) Trauma studies show a great healing effect of social support on psychological wellbeing after trauma (Kaniasty, 2005)
What is a supportive context Listening ear, support and solace and open to practical needs Offering factual and up-to-date information about the shocking event Mobilising social support form their own social surroundings Facilitating reuniting with people closest to them and keeping families together Reassuring those affected who display normal stress reactions
Information as part of the supportive context Factual and up-to-date information about the shocking event Information on normal stress reactions Outreaching! Information for children through adults and schools Information for the responders/peer support
Scientific basis for preventive early psychosocial interventions There is little or no evidence of the value of offering general information to all those who have been affected after a shocking event. There is however a broad consensus that this is needed. (level 4) There is no scientific support for the effectiveness of preventive psycho-education, either verbal or in writing (level 1)
Recommendations on information as part of the preventive early interventions A reassuring explanation about normal reactions Saying when to seek help Advising those affected to tackle the daily routine Age-specific information for children The study group does not recommend offering preventive psycho-education
Organization of disaster information Collective interventions: Crisis/relief centre / assistance and support in acute stage One-stop shop function Communication via the media