Happy August Birthdays: 8/8 – Ava Grace & 8/13 – Josh Mrs. Tillner’s News http://teachers.stjohns.k12.fl.us/tillner-s/ August 12, 2019 Sharon.tillner@stjohns.k12.fl.us Welcome Back!! Reminders: 8/12 – First Day of School 8/14 – Early dismissal @ 1:45 9/5 – 5th Grade Open House (6:30 – 7:30) Classroom Basics: First thing students want to know is when is recess? We will have recess from 12:40 – 1:00. Second thing they wonder is what time is lunch? We have lunch from 12:09 – 12:39 and will be sitting at Table 12. Next, students wonder when Related Arts is…look left for this week’s schedule. The time is from 10:10 until 10:40. For the rest of our daily schedule, please refer to my class website (address above). Please bookmark it so you can access it for any additional information needed throughout the school year. This year school begins promptly at 8:25. Students will come directly to the classroom on the first day of school. We will spend this week learning classroom rules and routines. We’ll get our supplies and notebooks organized. Tuesday Folders will come home on Tuesday containing a few papers. Keep the papers, sign the signature page, and send the folder with your child on Wednesday. Please make sure you read our 25 Book Challenge. Thank you! Welcome to my 5th grade class!! I’m so excited to get this year started!! I am in portable #4. As you may have already heard, 5th grade teachers will be teaching all academic subjects this year, so you only have me as your teacher. I have a website that contains extra information and the address is at the top of this newsletter. Please refer to it throughout the year. Related Arts This Week: Day A: Mon. – Media Day B: Tues. – STEAM Wed. – 60 min. w/ Related Arts teachers Day C: Thurs. – PE Day D: Fri. - Art Happy August Birthdays: 8/8 – Ava Grace & 8/13 – Josh