Singapore’s Bicentennial Year gives us an opportunity to reflect on and to renew the Church’s commitment to the nation
THE PEOPLE OF GOD AND A NATION’S FUTURE (Jer 29:4-7, 10-11; 1 Pet 3:13-17; Mt 5:13-16)
How are Christians to contribute towards a good and secure future for the nation?
___________ SOCIAL RIGHTEOUSNESS Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth… you are the light of the world.” (Mt 5:13,14) PRACTISE
_______ FOR THE NATION’S WELL-BEING “But seek the welfare of the city… and pray to the LORD on its behalf...” (Jer 29:7) PRAY
_____________ GOSPEL HOPE In Christ, we have received “a future and a hope” (Jer 29:11) beyond comparison to share with others (Lk 24:17; 1 Pet 3:15). PROCLAIM
The Abrahamic blessing: “I will bless you…and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12: 2-3)