Religious Education Character Curriculum English Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Why is the bible an important book for Christians? Maths This half term the children will develop skills in place value (e.g given a number, identify 1 more or 1 less) and addition and subtraction Our first key text is Oi Frog! By Kes Gray. In this unit the children will learn to write silly rhyming sentences based on the pattern of the text. The second key text is Dinosaurs and all that rubbish! In this unit children explore the themes and ideas in the story. They create a variety of written outcomes including reports, setting descriptions, letters, instructions, retellings and eventually a class pamphlet about how to look after the planet . Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of caring, helpfulness, cooperation, courage, national kindness week and reflection. Year 1 Autumn Term 1 Topic: Marvellous Me Big Question: Why are our senses important? Wow Start: Listening walk around the school. Fantastic finish: Senses celebration carousel . STEM We will be exploring our bodies and identifying different parts of our body. We will look at the similarities and differences between ourselves and other animals. We will also explore our senses and how they help us understand more about the world. Topic Through our topic of Marvellous Me we will thinking about people who are important to us and the area in which we live. We will create clay faces and use pastels to draw pictures of our houses. We will be learning and singing songs about ourselves and our bodies. P.E Our Real PE sessions will focus on personal skills and having the resilience to persevere at a new challenge. We will be enhancing our coordination and balancing skills in preparation for our multi-skills inter-house competition.