Maximum likelihood nucleotide tree of the bla OXA-51-like genes intrinsic to A. baumannii. Maximum likelihood nucleotide tree of the blaOXA-51-like genes intrinsic to A. baumannii. For enzymes for which a designation was not available, the strain designation or gene accession number ( is used instead. The tree was implemented in SeaView version 4.2.5 (172) with PhyML using a general time-reversible (GTR) model (173). Support was estimated by using approximate likelihood ratio tests, the results of which label the branches. The tree was visualized by using FigTree version 1.3.1 ( and is midpoint rooted. The gene coding for the enzyme representative of global clone 1 isolates, OXA-66, is highlighted in red; the gene for OXA-69, representative of global clone 2 isolates, is highlighted in blue; and the gene for OXA-71, representative of global clone 3 isolates, is highlighted in pink. Colored arrows represent genes or branches containing polymorphisms that are observed in more than one position within the tree. The arrows are color coded by the amino acid position in the enzyme that the location of the polymorphism codes for and are labeled with the amino acid change from the consensus that results from the polymorphism. *, except for OXA-223 and OXA-242; **, except for OXA-242. Benjamin A. Evans, and Sebastian G. B. Amyes Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2014; doi:10.1128/CMR.00117-13