A, C, Flattened representations of the right temporal lobe (PALS atlas). A, C, Flattened representations of the right temporal lobe (PALS atlas). A, The local maxima of the interaction between stereo and curvedness in the anterior ROI (blue square) for the worst (blue, 50, −36, −22, T-score 1.29), middle (green, 46, −36, −22, T-score 1.99), and best (red, 50, −46, −14, T-score 2.81) groups are indicated. C, The SPMs plotting the voxels significant at a relatively low threshold (p < 0.05 FDR corrected, fixed effects, n = 6) in the subtraction intact − scrambled shapes (Kourtzi and Kanwisher, 2000; Denys et al., 2004). Blue, green, and red patches correspond the worst, middle, and best groups. The voxels colored in white represent the overlap. The black circle indicates the most significant location for the best group (46, −40, −24, T-scores: 5.78, 7.256, and 8.50 for the best, middle, and the worst groups) within the anterior ROI. B, D, Activity profiles plotting percentage MR signal change compared with fixation condition within these local maxima in, respectively, the main experiment (B) and the 2D shape localizer test (D). Textured and color bars indicate different conditions: B: dark gray, 3D curvature (CS); light gray, 3D position in depth (FS); diamond pattern, curved monocular (CM); dashed diagonal lines, flat monocular (FM); and D, green, intact grayscale (IG); light green, scrambled grayscale (SG); red, intact line (IL); light red, scrambled line (SL) 2D shape images. For other conventions see Figure 9. Svetlana Georgieva et al. J. Neurosci. 2009;29:727-742 ©2009 by Society for Neuroscience