MPM cases with GNH. A, WES-based LOH profiling with the FACETS algorithm revealed three MPM samples with genome-wide LOH. B, Allelic copy-number plots of genome-wide LOH cases in the TCGA and Japanese ICGC cohorts. MPM cases with GNH. A, WES-based LOH profiling with the FACETS algorithm revealed three MPM samples with genome-wide LOH. B, Allelic copy-number plots of genome-wide LOH cases in the TCGA and Japanese ICGC cohorts. X-axis and y-axis are the chromosome locations, and the ratio of an allelic copy number of tumor sample to that of matched normal control (lymphocyte), respectively. Red line shows the higher allele, and blue line shows the lower allele. C, Near-haploid metaphase cell derived from the Brigham and Women's Hospital genome-wide LOH cohort, stained by Giemsa, showing loss of one copy of all chromosomes except 5, 7, and X. D, Allelic copy-number plot of a representative TCGA case with biallelic inactivation of TP53 and monoallelic mutation of SETDB1, suggesting the latter occurred after the LOH and genome duplication events. Julija Hmeljak et al. Cancer Discov 2018;8:1548-1565 ©2018 by American Association for Cancer Research