(Please don’t email me on the DongA website) Tim Paugh Office: S01, Room 1101 Email: timpaugh@hotmail.com (Please don’t email me on the DongA website)
Why Study English? To get a better job To communicate and meet new people To travel more easily To better understand the world
Use Your Knowledge You already know English Now is your chance to use what you know Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
How to Do Well Do your best Participate Always sit with a partner Bring your book and a pen/pencil Don’t use your phone Don’t disrupt the class
The Textbook Buy the textbook, or photocopy it. *You cannot share a textbook*
If you miss 5 or more classes you will get an F! Attendance 15 classes Total = 20 points Absent = - 2 points Late = - 1 point Two lates = 1 absence If you miss 5 or more classes you will get an F!
Total = 15% of your final score Participation Total = 15% of your final score Plus points = answering questions, helping partner, good effort, getting bonus points Minus points = not participating, no book, no pen/pencil, disrupting class, leaving after attendance check, cheating, rude behaviour
Using your phone or sleeping in class = many minus points Phones or Sleeping Using your phone or sleeping in class = many minus points
Tests / Assignments Homework = 5 points Assignment = 10 points Midterm Test = 20 points Final Exam = 30 points
Pass or Fail
My Website timsenglish.wordpress.com (PPTs, handouts, etc.)
One on One Help Don’t be afraid to ask me for help!
Next Class Buy or photocopy the textbook (no sharing!) Bring your ID paper (photo = 2 participation points) Sit with a partner