Welcome INSPIRE a love of learning in God’s world. Through awe and wonder for God’s world we will inspire a true love for learning, creativity, curiosity and imagination. Through independent thought and a passion for the lives of others we will work with our community to care and consider all, following in the teachings of Christ.
Staff in school Miss Julie Riley – School Business Officer Mrs Katrina Gale (Maths & RE Lead, DSL) & Miss Rachel Thomas (Science Lead)– Swallow Class Mrs Kirsty Beswetherick ( Literacy & Forest School Lead)& Mrs Kathryn Brown (SEN lead & Curriculum lead) – Robin Class Mrs Diane Tobin – Swallow Class TA, HLTA & After School Club Leader Mrs Jane Asquith – Robin Class TA, Intervention Support Teacher Miss Heather Scott – Little Owls Mrs Lenka Saglena – Welfare Assistant
School Day The school day begins at 8:55am and ends at 3:15. Breakfast Club every morning from 8am (7:45am but office must be notified) PE Day – Autumn Term – THURSDAY Forest School Water bottles in school everyday please. We are encouraging the children to use reusable water bottles. Healthy snacks for break times, e.g. fruit, cereal bar (Friday’s children can bring an ‘unhealthy snack’, e.g. crisps, chocolate)
What you should expect from us Every day opportunities to read in school Guided group reading across the school daily Phonic and spelling group work across the school daily Regular updates on progress from class teachers (meetings can be arranged through the office) Tapestry updates for Nursery and Reception Teacher & Parent Consultation Evening in Autumn & Spring Term Attendance monitoring letters End of school year report
What we expect from you Daily reading at home Complete the reading record daily (Swallows have a Homework Journal to record all reading and homework completed) Support with spelling work Support with class homework Mathletics &/or PurpleMash Parents can update Tapestry
Topic Homework Sent out at the start of each half term Check book bags Check poster in the window Homework to be in on the date stated Homework will be presented to the school in a special session each day for one week.
PE & Swimming PE in school until January 2020 QES based workshops for KS2 (Swallows) dates to be confirmed. Lancaster & Heysham School Sport Network Swimming from January onwards at 3-1-5
Music Once again we will be working with More Music. Sessions will begin next Tuesday until half term and restart in January on a Thursday. Swallow Class will once again be taking part in the Lancaster and Morecambe Music Festival sometime during the week of the 16th March 2020.
Forest School Will begin with Robin Class on Monday 16th September. Letters will be sent out listing what is needed each next week. Swallow Class will begin Forest School after the half term.
Worship Parents, family and friends are welcome to join us for the following collective worships: Monday afternoon worship with Fr. Robin from 2:55 Friday Celebration worship from 3pm
School Events Friends of Yealand School. Termly fundraisers and things to get involved with – letter to follow from the Friends. Links with the Church & local community. Check the school website, weekly newsletters and Facebook.
Important Dates this term Wednesday 25th September HARVEST FESTIVAL @ St. John’s @ 2:45 Phonics and Reading workshop on Wednesday 9th October @ 9am until 9:30 for all parents. Thursday 17th October Film Night @ 6pm – 8pm. Friday 18th October – wear something red (£1 donation) Show racism the red card day END OF HALF TERM Friday 8th November – school photographs Wednesday 12th November – Parent & Teacher Consultation Evening. Friday 15th November CHILDREN IN NEED – Year 5 & 6 Bake Sale. Thursday 21st November MUFTI DAY (bottle donation) Tuesday 3rd December MUFTI DAY (chocolate donation) Wednesday 4th December – Christmas Fair Thursday 12th December – Secret Santa Room Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Nativity and Carol Service at St. John’s @ 6:30 THURSDAY 19th DECEMBER – END OF TERM
Thank you for coming today.