Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) 2018 Results First Nations and Inuit Health Branch SMC-March 20th, 2019
Purpose Overview of FNIHB PSES 2018 results as they compare to 2017 Way Forward- FNIHB response to results Appendices: Appendix A: ISC Heat Map and Table Appendix B: Demographic Comparison: ISC Indigenous employee (ISC-AP) 2018 and Nurses (ISC-NU) 2018 results compared to Health Canada (HC-AP) 2017 and (HC-NU) 2017 results
Background on Survey FNIHB PSES Participation rate Data Source:
FNIHB PSES 2018 compared to FNIHB PSES 2017 Results 45.7% Affected by Phoenix 78% 76% Job satisfaction 59% Satisfaction with organization Response Rate 6 Feeling valued 64% Employee Engagement Harassment Discrimination 22% 12% 4 Satisfied with Departmental support High stress Emotionally drained 34% Psychologically healthy workplace 50% Top stressor: Phoenix issues 39% Workplace Well-being Diversity and Inclusion 48% 49% Effective and timely decisions 57% Confidence Senior Management High staff turnover Lack of stability 1 2 Unreasonable deadlines Support for: Career Development 45% 26% 43% 3 Information flows to staff 51% 5 Innovation 67% 12 I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of … 1 Total Time Required Organization supports diversity 76% respects differences 77% Organization treats with respect Everyone accepted as equal in team 69% 32% Comparisons are with the 2017 PSES. Arrows show the direction of change and numbers represent the difference in percentage points.
My Job: Almost all areas under My Job have improved from FNIHB 2017. 1% more FNIHB respondents feel they have clear work objectives (Q7)(73% as compared to 72%) helping to pull up the ISC rate (68%) 3% more FNIHB respondents know how their work contributes to the achievement of the department’s goals (Q8)(82% compared to 79%); and, like their job overall (Q14)(80% compared to 77%). Although 1% fewer FNIHB respondents believe they have the opportunity to provide input into decisions that affect their work (Q11), this year over last, FNIHB rate (68%) touts the highest of the ISC sectors. 3% more FNIHB respondents believe they get the training they need to do their job (Q1)(66% as compared to 63%) 2% more FNIHB respondents believe their job is a good fit for their interests (Q2)(81% as compared to 79%); and, 3% more feel their job is a good fit for their skills (Q3)(84% as compared to 81%)
My Work Unit: Although certain areas under My Work Unit show a slight decline, an increase in other areas help to offset overall results under this theme. 2% fewer respondents are satisfied with how interpersonal issues are resolved in their work unit (Q17)(54% as compared to 56%); 1% fewer respondents believe unsatisfactory employee performance is managed effectively (Q19)(40% as compared to 41%); 3% more believe every individual is accepted as an equal member of their team (Q18) (69% as compared to 66%); and, 3% more believe individuals, in their unit, behave in a respectful manner (Q20) (76% as compared to 73%).
My Immediate Supervisor: Overall, My Immediate Supervisor results have improved this year over last. 2% more respondents believe their immediate supervisor seems to care about them as a person (Q25) (80% as compared to 78%); 1% more feel they can count on their immediate supervisor to keep his or her promises (Q23) (76% as compared to 75%); and, 1% more respondents are satisfied with the quality of supervision they receive (75% as compared to 74%).
Senior Management: Overall the theme of Senior Management shows a decline from the last survey Essential Information flows effectively from Senior management to staff Senior Management in the department lead by example in ethical behaviour Performance Management Support Effective and timely decisions Confidence in the Senior Management Something to keep in mind! Respondents tend to consider ‘Senior Management’(SM) the position two to three levels higher than their substantive level. With FNIHB heavily weighted in junior level positions the likelihood are these results reflect more commonly EX equivalent and junior to mid-level EX positions. Source: PeopleSoft 2019-02-01
Senior Management:
My Organization: Overall questions under the theme of My Organization show a decline this year over last. 3% fewer FNIHB respondents feel they would be supported by their department if they proposed a new idea (Q39) (56% as compared to 59%); 4% fewer would recommend their department as a great place to work (Q43) (58% as compared to 62%); 6% fewer are satisfied with their department (59% as compared to 65%); and, 5% fewer respondents would prefer to remain with the department, even if a comparable job was available elsewhere in the federal public service (Q45) (50% as compared to 55%) 4% fewer respondents believe their department does a good job of communicating its vision, mission and goals (Q33) (62% as compared to 66%) 8% fewer respondents believe if faced with an ethical dilemma or conflict between values in the workplace, they know where to go for help in resolving the situation (Q34) (64% as compared to 72%) 5% fewer respondents believe their department does a good job of supporting employee career development (Q37) (51% as compared to 56%); and 2% fewer believe they have opportunities for promotion with in their department (Q38) (42% as compared to 44%)
Mobility & Retention:
Harassment (cont’d):
Discrimination (cont’d):
Discrimination (cont’d): Satisfaction with how matters related to discrimination are resolved in my department (Q60) although higher than ISC rate of 44% FNIHB respondents satisfaction drops by 6% this year over last (46% as compared to 52% ). Although 1 % higher than ISC average, 7% fewer FNIHB respondents believed their department works hard to create a workplace that prevents to discrimination (Q61) as compared to last year (60% as compared to 67%)
Stress & Wellbeing:
Stress & Wellbeing (cont’d):
Way Forward- FNIHB Response to results The next PSES survey is expected to run at an earlier time period than prior years July-August 2019 (during peak annual leave) In the short term: ICSD has provided all Regions/Directorates their own results as they compare to prior years. Each area is asked to review results with staff and look to existing Wellness/Action Plans and how they might be tweaked, if required, when accounting for latest results. ICSD will continue to work closely with ISC HR and will advise should formal reporting on actions be required. Stay tuned!
Appendix A:ISC Heat Map (see heat map table) When reviewing ISC sectors/branch in comparison to ISC overall you’ll note the following wrt to FNIHB: FNIHB doesn’t fall into any extreme hence denoting neither green nor red coloured cells in most areas, However, a greater proportion of FNIHB employees (in comparison to ISC) feel, their job is a good fit for their skills (Q3); Get a sense of satisfaction from work (Q5); have clear work objectives (Q7); Are proud of the work they do (Q10); Like their job (Q14); They can initiate a formal recourse process without fear of reprisal (Q36) Their department respects individual differences (Q41) Satisfied with how matters related to harassment & discrimination are resolved (Q53) (Q60) Their department works hard to create a workplace that prevents harassment & discrimination (Q54) (Q61)
Appendix A:ISC Heat Map (cont’d) Also, a greater proportion of FNIHB employees (in comparison to ISC), Have indicated being a victim of harassment, in the last 12 months (Q48) Have indicated being discriminated against, in the last 12 months, due to race, national or ethnic origin and colour (Q57). Have indicated a higher level of work-related stress (Q63); stress related to Pay or compensation-related issues (Q62a), a heavy workload (Q62b) and lack of job security (Q62r).
Appendix B: Demographic Information Due to the lack of Branch specific demographic data, Departmental data has been used. Note the following considerations, Indigenous employee data: In 2017, the majority (73%) of all HC-’Aboriginal Peoples’ (as listed in the survey) worked in FNIHB. This year those results become more diluted as we look to all ISC-AP employees noting only 39% are situated in FNIHB. This would also mean any further FNIHB specific investment into Indigenous programming, that might be reflected in results, are also watered down. Nurses Data: Last year HC-Nurses data was used noting 93% of those nurses were situated in FNIHB. This year, in ISC, 100% of ISC nurses are employed in FNIHB
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison Overall, there is a notable decline in 2018 Aboriginal Peoples and 2018 nursing results when compared to their 2017 results & overall FNIHB 2018 results As seen below: Aboriginal Peoples results show a decline in access to training both in comparison to 2018 FNIHB results and 2017 HC-AP results & the few areas in which nurses results show improved were in access to training, job fit with skills, support for work-life balance
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (My Job)
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (My Job cont’d)
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (My Work Unit) Aboriginal Peoples results show a decline when linked to satisfaction with how interpersonal issues are resolved; the feeling that individuals are treated as equals; that individuals behave in a respectful manner; and the feeling that opinions are valued. Nursing results show contrary results with one of the highest areas of growth being the feeling that every individual is accepted as a equal member of the team.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Immediate Supervisor) Aboriginal Peoples show a decline, this year over last, when looking to immediate supervisor results while in most of these areas nursing results show improvements with the exception of immediate supervisors keeping staff informed of issues affecting their work.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Senior Management) Under the theme of Senior Management, both Aboriginal Peoples & nurses show the largest levels of decline, this year over last, linked to feeling supported when addresses unsatisfactory performance issues. While Confidence in Senior Management and the feeling that decisions are timely show a decline in Aboriginal Peoples results even though they remain unchanged for nurses.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (My Organization) Aboriginal Peoples results show a decline in the belief they have opportunities for promotion within the department and both Aboriginal Peoples and nurses show a decline in the belief that the department does a good job supporting career development.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (My Organization cont’d) While, fewer Aboriginal Peoples and nurses would recommend their department as a great place to work and are satisfied with their department, nurse results show an improved belief that the Department implements activities to support a diverse workplace and respects individual differences.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Mobility & Retention) Results show slightly more Indigenous employees intend to leave their position in the next two years (as compared to last year HC-AP results and FNIHB 2018 results) however less nurses intend to do the same.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Harassment) The percentage of Aboriginal Peoples who indicated being a victim of harassment, in the last year, was 3% higher than FNIHB’s already elevated 22% rate, but a notable 5% decrease from last year. Nurse results are 8% higher, than FNIHB, but a 3% drop from last year.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Harassment cont’d) Satisfaction on how matters of harassment are resolved declined substantially for both Aboriginal Peoples and nurses. The belief the Department works hard to create a workplace that prevents harassment declined for Aboriginal Peoples, with nurses showing a slight improvement, this year over last.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Discrimination) Both Aboriginal Peoples and nurses show a higher level of discrimination rates, than FNIHBs rate (although Aboriginal Peoples rate declined from 2017), with nurses showing a notable increase to the proportion of discrimination linked to those with authority over them.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Discrimination cont’d) Of those who indicated being a victim of discrimination, national or ethnic origin and colour were the rationales indicated, at an even higher rate, this year over last, for nurses with race also coming up at a higher rate for Aboriginal Peoples results. Satisfaction on how matters of discrimination are resolved and the belief the Department works hard to create a workplace that prevents discrimination also declined for both Aboriginal Peoples and nurses.
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Stress & Well-being) Work-related stress show a decline for Aboriginal Peoples respondents as compared to FNIHB and HC-AP results, from last year, while nurse results this year show a much higher level of stress as compared to FNIHB 2018 results (nursing, year over year, comparison not available).
Appendix B: Demographic Comparison (Compensation) Compensation issues have affected Aboriginal Peoples to a slightly lesser extent than FNIHB overall, with a much higher impact seen in nurse 2018 results (notably underpayments of regular pay and incorrect or missing pay).
Thank you!