Family Medicine and Climate Change American Academy of Family Physicians Kait Perry, MPH April 28th, 2019
Why Family Medicine? Family Medicine is the front line of primary care Family Physicians care for all ages and all genders Family Physicians are primed to see the effects of climate change on health in their patients Family Physicians are engaged in their communities and are passionate about addressing health disparities and inequities 1 in 5 office visits are conducted by family physicians (192 million visits) 48% more than the next most visited specialty More proportionately distributed than any other specialty across the US “cradle to grave” at all points of their life for any condition, chronic illnesses which may be most impacted by climate change (asthma, COPD, obesity, nutrition, Serves as the cornerstone for integrated care Focus on care team Seeing patients across their lifespan gives important context to see change over time
Policy and Advocacy Expanded official AAFP policy Advocacy Stronger language opposing restrictions to public access to environmental health research data Call for further research to continue to inform practice, evidence-based medicine Advocacy Clean Power Plan Asbestos; Significant New Rule Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Expanded policy from air quality and climate change to include more comprehensive and specific language about environmental health and climate change, including: Opposition to any federal or state government action to reduce public access to environmental health research data Supporting policies to research and manage toxic environmental exposures
Education and Resources New Partnerships University of Chicago Illinois School of Public Health CDC Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry New and Updated Resources Focus on Social Determinants of Health Environmental Health and Climate Change, Medical Society Consortium on Climate Change and Health Disaster preparedness materials Member Interest Group (MIG) UIC – building resilience against climate change effects (BRACE), CC edu CDC Agency for Toxic Substances – physician facing materials/fact sheets re: exposure FP’s will see in their office MIG – founded 2019, 84 members. Rearing and ready to go. MIGs give members the ability to raise their voices actively and collectively to AAFP leadership, governance crews.
Looking Forward National Research Network Climate change and vector-borne illness Impact of climate change on aging populations Exploring meteorological events and corresponding health impacts Ramifications of climate change on practice Emphasizing the impact of climate change and health Communications Education Resources Funding opportunities Senior Data Scientist – Beth Callen, also working on going to all national parks and as many national monuments as possible, very invested in climate change and environmental health. PhD in meteorology and stats News Working with CME to get something going Responding to members wants and needs Searching for funding opportunities
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