Do X-Rays Lead to a Red Male Organ?


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Presentation transcript:

Do X-Rays Lead to a Red Male Organ?

X-rays are a marvelous medical tool that have made possible tremendous advances in medical and dental care. With x-rays, doctors can pinpoint things like bone fractures or lumps, which can guide them in diagnosing problems and suggesting treatments. But do x-rays present any male organ health issues? For example, can exposure to x-rays cause a burned red male organ or some other form of manhood issue?

X-rays are all around First, it’s important to understand something about x-rays. For example, x-rays were not created for the x-ray machine. Instead, x-rays can occur naturally in nature, as well as be created through scientific means; the creators and refiners of the modern x-ray machine took the x-rays and focused their energy in such a way as to take advantage of its penetrative powers to enable scientists to see through surfaces such as skin or rock.

X-rays have been known to create a skin condition known as radiodermatitis, which is where the question of x-rays creating a red male organ skin situation originates. Radiodermatitis occurs when a person or a part of a person is exposed to large doses of x-rays. It’s generally associated with high doses of x-rays received at one time, but there is some question as to whether a person could get radiodermatitis from repeated exposure to lower doses, especially if the exposures were close together in time.

A red male organ? So, the short answer is that yes, radiodermatitis could bring about a red male organ in a man. However, it is unlikely that this will happen. For one thing, doctors tend to be very careful about the potential harm that can be done by x-rays and will err on the side of caution. For that reason, if x- rays are being taken which do not NEED to include the male organ but which might end up exposing the member to x-rays, a lead shield will usually be placed over the organ. In some cases, doctors need to get an x-ray of the manhood itself; for example, when pinpointing the cause of tumescence dysfunction, a dye may be inserted into the manhood and then x-rayed to determine possible factors leading to the dysfunction. However, it is unlikely but not impossible that a man might get enough exposure to contract a red male organ.

Other x-rays It’s all well and good that doctors and medical technicians take pains to protect the member from x-rays, but what about x-ray exposure outside the medical setting? First, except in areas where there has been significant nuclear activity (which should have barriers preventing humans from entering), the basic level of x-rays is not high enough to cause radiodermatitis. Many people have expressed concern about x-rays from airport security full-body scanners, especially when combined with the x-rays generated by nearby machines to check baggage. However, the x-rays from these machines is considered safe and unlikely to create issues; however, men who are concerned can request a physical examination rather than go through the body scanners.

Some people worry about x-rays from other devices, such as microwaves, cell phones, computers, etc. However, the radiation created by these devices is not the same as x-rays. It is rare for a man to get a red male organ from x-rays, but if he does, he should contact his physician right away so that treatment can be recommended.

Healthy male member skin may be better able to resist red male organ damage from x-rays, so men should be sure to regularly use a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Moisture is key for good manhood skin health, so be sure to select a crème that includes both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural emollient. A crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is also recommended, as this can help to fight the oxidative stress that can weaken sensitive skin.Man 1 Man Oil