My Health record-Information and thoughts Sharon Campbell
My Health record What is it? A: An online summary of personal health information that patients can share with health providers. 5,669,602 individual registrations Of those registered, 54% are female and 46% are male. Approximately 23% of Australia's total population is registered. The shared health information in the My Health Record could assist many patients to recall vital health information. Particularly for those with multiple medication and chronic disease.
My health record statistics My Health Record uptake statistics Over 5.5 million people have a My Health Record, with an over 18,000 new records being created every week. Over 17.5 million prescription and dispense records have been uploaded. Over 10,830 healthcare providers are connected, including GPs, hospitals, pharmacies, aged care residential services, allied health. Over 4.5 million clinical documents uploaded.
My health record statistics-% of consumers currently registered (of total Pop in each State and territory) State Percentage of state population (%) Australian Capital Territory 26% Tasmania 23% South Australia 21% Northern Territory 24% New South Wales Victoria 18% Queensland 30% Western Australia 19%
Age range of consumers currently registered Age range (years) Percentage (%) 20 or less 36% 20 to 39 25% 40 to 64 65 or higher 14%
https://www. digitalhealth. gov (As at Sept 2017) State Total number of Public hospitals(a)(b) and Health services per state Number of Public hospitals and Health services connected to the My Health Record system(b) % of Public hospitals and Health services connected to the My Health Record system Number able to upload to the My Health Record system Number able to view the My Health Record system NSW 223 207 93% 198 SA(d) 102 20 20% 13 20 ACT 2 1 50% QLD(c) 311 100% 114 TAS 21 4 19% VIC 161 13% WA 185 104 56% NT 130 117 90% Total 1,135 785 69% 572
Current information Will be an Opt-Out system which will start by September 2018 The Opt-Out period will be for a total of 3 months An advertising campaign will run to inform consumers $374.2 Million allocated over two years from July 2017 to provide all Australians with a MyHealth Record, unless they choose not to have one. This funding also being used to support the expanded roll out of system and improve operations.
Areas of concern Certain groups of patients will require more assistance in using MyHealth Record People with disability Seniors People with multiple chronic diseases People with communication difficulties How many people know what it is, let alone how to access and manage it?
Areas of concern Good recordkeeping will be essential (preaching to converted) to ensure that the right patient is selected when uploading information. Data in clinical software needs to match exactly with the data on the patient’s Medicare card when downloading the Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) (I think most hospitals will be ok here as demographic information is usually checked thoroughly and we have good existing systems, it is just something to be aware of if problems arise when trying to upload information) Is there a policy in place to inform staff of the requirements for using the My Health Record System? Is the correct My Health Record compliant software in place? What information is available to assist HIMs in managing this important area of patient information?
Thoughts If you have had personal experience in implementing the My Health Record system would you be willing to share this with the group? What concerns do you have as a HIM about the system and its use? Is your local community aware of the My Health Record System? (I am finding that it is not well known when talking to people in rural areas) What are the benefits to the organisation and patient for a well run My Health Record System? What is your understanding of privacy management related to My Health Record: resource-23-handling-personal-information-in-the-my-health-record-system