| Apresentação do Roadshow Conference Call 2Q16
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2Q16 Highlights Arezzo&Co registered growth of 3.9% in gross revenuenas for 2Q16, with highlights to exports and web commerce as the main growth drivers Gross Revenue In 2Q16, gross profit was R$132.1 million, with a 44.7% margin, up by 16.5% versus 2Q15. Gross Profit EBITDA amounted to R$41.0 million, with a 13.9% margin, falling 4.6% versus 2Q15. EBITDA This quarter, net profit reached R$30.2 million, with a net margin of 10.2%. Net Income Arezzo&Co ended 2Q16 with a 6.7% growth in sales area, excluding outlets, in the last twelve months. Sales Area Expansion
Company Growth Gross Revenue – Domestic and External Market (R$ million) 6.6% 3.9% 64.7% 39.9% 2.2% 0.6% The Company achieved a gross revenue of R$377.8 million in the second quarter of 2016, a 3.9% growth compared to the 2Q15, with a highlight to the foreign market, which reached growth of 39.9%.
Gross Revenue Breakdown by Brand – Domestic Market Gross Revenue Breakdown by Brand – Domestic Market (R$ million) 2.2% 0.6% 12.9% -5.7% -5.7% -6.1% 5.6% 5.7% In the domestic market, highlights to the Arezzo brand, with growth of 5.7% in the 2Q16, and for the category of bags with a 20% volume increase. Others: Growth of 39.3% in the 2Q16 and of 36.1% in the 1H16.
Gross Revenue Breakdown by Channel – Domestic Market Gross Revenues by channel – Domestic Market (R$ million) 2.2% 0.6% 90.2% 84.6% -12.2% -15.2% 2.3% 1.6% 2.5% 2.7% SSS Sell-out (Owned Stores + web + franchises) 1.4% 2.6% 1.8% -0.4% SSS Sell-out (Owned Stores + franchises) 0.6% 2.5% 0.6% -0.6% SSS Sell-in (franchises) -6.0% 1.9% -5.0% 0.3% The company's revenue from monobrand stores increased by 6.8% in the 2Q16, mainly due to the strong increase in revenue from the webcommerce channel of 84.6%. The same-store sales grew by 2.6% in the period.
Distribution Channel Expansion Owned Stores and Franchises Expansion Number of Stores – Domestic Market Franchises Multi Brands Owned Stores 52 26 1.253 2 12 72 4 998 365 15 1.147 0.8% Owned Stores 1 -0.1% 3.6% +1 -2 +1 -1 +20 The sales area increased by 6.7% due to the opening of 27 stores and the refurbishment of 12 others in the last 12 months. Includes 7 Outlets, with a total area of 1.952m²
Gross Profit and EBITDA Gross Profit (R$ million) EBITDA (R$ million) 12.7% 9.6% 5.3% -4.6% Gross profit reached R$132.1 million in 2Q16, with a gross margin of 44.7%, having increased by 9.6%. The 2Q16 EBITDA reached R$41.0 million with a margin of 13.9%.
Net Income and Net Margin Net Income (R$ million) -10.4% -5.4% In the quarter, net income decreased by 5.4% to R $ 30.2 million, with net margin of 10.2%.
Operating Cash Flow Operating Cash Flow (R$ thousand) Arezzo&Co generated R$5.8 million of operating cash in the 2Q16, below the generation of the same period last year, mainly due to the fall of the EBT.
Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Indebtedness CAPEX (R$ million) Indebtedness (R$ million) -4.0% 116.5% 30.2% 2,477.5% -55.4% -19.4% 142.5% -51.5% In the 2Q16, the Company invested R$7.5 million, mainly due to the opening of the second store of the pilot project in the US and the implementation of the distribution center. The indebtedness policy remained conservative. 1) Other: reduction of 92.3% in 2Q15, and increase of 5.2% in 1H15.
Contacts Telephone: +55 11 2132-4300 ri@arezzoco.com.br Thiago Borges CFO and IR Officer Fernando Caligaris IR Manager Lucas Pontes de Oliveira IR Analyst Telephone: +55 11 2132-4300 ri@arezzoco.com.br www.arezzoco.com.br