Annual conference in Kalamaria 3 – 8 of May 2011 S O H T E Annual conference in Kalamaria 3 – 8 of May 2011
Tuesday 3rd of May Arrival of the most delegations (Till now only two delegations will come on Wednesday) Headmasters and teachers will be brought to the hotel
Wednesday 4th of May 08:00 Leaving the hotel for the school 08:30 Arrival at the school 09:00 – 13:00 IRISS conference at school (09:00 – 10:00 plenary, 10:00 – 11:00 coffee break , 11:00 – 13:00 SIGs+Q- group) 13:30 Lunch at school 14:30 Return to the hotel Free time 18:00 Departure from the hotel 18:30 Arrival at the school 19:00: Presentation of the school & the educational system in Greece. 19:30 Opening ceremony 21:00 Dinner
Thursday 5th of May 08:30 Leaving the hotel for the school 09:00 Arrival at the school 09: 00 – 11:30 IRISS conference at school (09:00 – 10:00 plenary session final report format + presentation by Leenderd of the activity evaluation summary IRISS, 10:00 – 11:30 preparation of final report in school groups, meeting non-IRISS schools with Q-group, Leenderd and Steve) 11:30 Leaving the school for the City Hall 11:45 Reception/coffee/snacks at the City Hall 13:30 Lunch at the pedestrian next to the City Hall 14:00 Leaving the City Hall for the City tour + - 18:00 End of the city tour Evening free
Friday 6th of May IRISS + EUROPROJECT teachers at the hotel 09:30 – 14:00 Network meeting at the hotel with a coffee break at 11:30 (ETHOS business: summary of the project and objectives, confirmation of autumn and spring conferences, outline of the mini-conferences, partner dating, digital platform.) 14:00 Lunch at the hotel Afternoon free 19:00 Leaving the hotel for the school 19:30 Arrival at school 20:00 Performance 22:00 Dinner
Saturday 7th of May All day excursion 08:30 Departure from the hotel 09:45 Arrival at Vergina. Guided tour to the Vergina’s Museum in two groups 12:30 Guided tour to the archeological site of Dion 14:00 Lunch – Beach party 17:00 Departure 18:00 Arrival at the hotel Free time 21:30 Dinner
Sunday 8th of May Departure of all delegations
Tuesday 3rd of May Arrival of the most delegations (Till now only two delegations will come on Wednesday) The host families will meet the students at the airport
Wednesday 4th of May 08:30 Arrival at the school 09:00 Workshops 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 – 13:30 Workshops 14:00 Lunch at the host families 18:30 Arrival at the school 19:30 Opening ceremony 21:00 Dinner at the host families
Thursday 5th of May 08:30 Arrival at the school 09:00 Workshops 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Workshops 13:30 Lunch at the host families 15:30 Workshops 18:00 Return to the host families
Friday 6th of May 08:30 Arrival at the school 09:00 Rehearsals 11:00 Coffee break 12:00 Final rehearsal 14:30 Lunch at the host families 19:00 Meeting at school 20:00 Performance 22:00 Return to the host families
Saturday 7th of May 08:30, 09:00, 09:30: Departure from the school 09:45, 10:15, 10:45: Arrival at Vergina. Guided tour to the Vergina’s Museum in three groups. 14:00 Lunch – Beach party 17:00 Departure 18:30 Arrival at school Evening with the host families
Sunday 8th of May Departure of all delegations
We invite: The Headmasters, two Teachers and four Students from each school.
Accommodation City Hotel
It is located in Tsimiski str, the most fashionable shopping street of the city and only a few metres from Aristotelous Square, the heart of the city.
It will cost 600€ for the single room and 550€ for the double one It will cost 600€ for the single room and 550€ for the double one. All lunches and dinners (except one) as well as all transportations are included.