Review for Test on Former USSR & Latin America Bring a pencil and a pen. 20 multiple choice & an essay Essay Topic: 2 Cold War Events
Glastnost Glastnost- greater freedom and openness. Cultural exchange. Criticize public officials. Travel.
Perestroika Perestroika- restructuring the economy. Limited capitalism. Private ownership. Greater control for factory managers. Compared to Lenin’s NEP
Collapse of USSR Yeltsin defends Gorbachev in August 1991. Gorbachev resigns. Soviet Union ceases to exist Dec. 25, 1991. Boris Yeltsin first democratically elected President of Russia. End of the Cold War
Nationalism USSR made up of 15 Republics each with their own language, culture, customs and traditions. Wanted their own independent country. Break away in 1991
Cold War Struggle or competition between communism and democracy. WWII U.S. and USSR emerge as superpowers. USSR and satellites (Eastern Europe) vs. U.S. and Western Europe.
Regionalism Regionalism- local ties of loyalty. Developed as a result of diverse geography.
Las Pampas Las Pampas- fertile grassland. Similar to steppes in Russia or savannas in Africa.
Cuban Revolution Cuba- 1959 Castro overthrows Baptista. Overthrown due to poverty, illiteracy and high unemployment. Castro promised democracy, but turned to communism. Exiled opponents. Allied with USSR. U.S. embargo.
Nicaragua 1979 Sandinistas led by Daniel Ortega overthrow the Somoza family. U.S. gives aid to the Contras (anti-Communists). Guerilla war. 1990 Sandinistas agree to elections- democracy.
Deforestation Deforestation- Brazilian Amazon rainforest. They are cutting down the trees to clear the land for farming. Sell the lumber. Effects: depletes the world’s oxygen supply. Global warming. Endangered species. Medicines.
Debt Debt- Borrowed money from the U.S. to industrialize. Build factories. Recession hit. Unable to payback loans.
Overpopulation Most people are farmers- more children to help on the farm. Most people are Catholic- no birth control. Machismo.
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 USSR built nuclear missile launch pads in Cuba. U.S. blockades Soviets back down, U.S. removes missiles from Turkey. Closest we have come to nuclear war.
U-2 Incident May 1960 American spy plane shot down over USSR U.S. said it was a weather plane. Pilot Garry Powers admitted to spying Sentenced to 10 years in jail Served 17 months- exchanged for a Soviet Spy
Korean War U.N. military action 1950-1953 Communist North Korea invaded non-Communist South Korea. Divided at 38th parallel. Result- Stalemate
Vietnam War Communist North Vietnam invades non-Communist South Vietnam. United States enters because fearful of domino theory and wanted to contain communism. After U.S. leaves, fighting continues. Eventually south falls. United as one communist country.
Building of The Berlin Wall Summer 1961 East Germans build the wall to prevent Communist East Berliners from fleeing to democratic West Berlin.