On your whiteboards: How many ‘maths sentences’ can you write down from this diagram? 7 2 5
What about these: 7 1.9 5.1 7.4 5.7 1.7 5.8 1.6 7.4
Here is a maths sentence: 40 = 18 + 22 Draw a diagram to represent the sentence. Write 3 more related sentences. Are there any others?
In your books Here is a maths sentence: + = Choose numbers to go into the boxes. Draw a diagram to represent the sentence. Write 3 more related sentences. Now repeat for the other questions on the sheet.
What about this diagram? Choose numbers for your diagram. How many different maths sentences can you find? Have you got all of them?
What about this diagram? Increase the number in your red box by 1. If the yellow and green stay the same, how will the blue number change?
What about this diagram? Decrease the yellow the number by 10. If the red and blue stay the same, how will the green number change?
What about this diagram? Keep your red and yellow numbers the same. What could the green and blue be? What else could they be? What else? What do all of your answers have in common?
Write maths sentences for this diagram 23 5 a What is the value of a?
16 4 b 5 Write maths sentences for this diagram What is the value of b?
a Write maths sentences for this diagram b If c = 7 what could be the values of a and b?
Find the number that the letters represent in the following diagrams: c a b If a = 3 what could be the values of b and c? What do you notice about those values?
In your books Answer the questions on the worksheet and then stick in your books. For each row on the sheet, there should be a diagram, three maths sentences, and the value of the letter. diagram maths sentence Letter value 15 7 a