Protection & Control Electric Utility Substation & Relay Technology, Richmond Community College, Rockingham, NC, March 2017
The Team Ian Clark (C) Alan Henderson Alyssa Norris Carlos Sedano Jeffrey Wimmer MS/MBA TEAM PHOTO Special thanks to: Steve Lampley Brian Terry
OBJECTIVE: Improving student performance through engagement Reducing the use of traditional texts by integrating Fluke DMM and the Fluke Connect app into our first year classrooms. Eliminate multiple texts, and equip each student with Digital Multimeter Principles 4E Fluke Connect DMM (True RMS). Improve work results Immediate engagement Facilitate operation and communication via digital medium Preparing them for a tough high speed work environment. steps and measurements your team would take. How will you document what you do?
HYPOTHESIS Halve the training time of Relay calibration. Halve the performance time of Equipment operation. Furthermore: we will also be investigating Automate reporting process & speed data collection, Improve actual performance IE Calibration, Improve data accuracy, Improve data integrity. steps and measurements your team would take. How will you document what you do?
PVD Bus Differential Protection Relays Following a safety brief… Technician must inject voltage and amperage, measure outputs, and make mechanical adjustments: 1587 insulation tester as a preamble and augmentation during mechanical inspections 376 clamp meter to audit injection outputs TiS75 Infrared Camera to image conductors and differentiate phases under test 279 Thermal Multimeter to image conductors and differentiate phases under test DMM in series with current, or clamp DMM in parallel with voltages Stimulation and evaluation of a legacy thyrite device – Use manufacturer’s procedure, but augment with a Fluke DMM in series & the Fluke Connect app to provide real time display of what is actually happening!!!
PVD Bus Differential Protection Relays
BDD Transformer Differential Relay with Percentage and Harmonic Restraint Following a safety brief… Technician must inject voltage and amperage, measure outputs, and make mechanical adjustments. 1587 insulation tester as a preamble and augmentation during mechanical inspections 376 clamp meter to audit injection outputs TiS75 Infrared Camera to image conductors and differentiate phases under test 279 Thermal Multimeter to image conductors and differentiate phases under test DMM in series with current, or clamp DMM in parallel with voltages Stimulation and evaluation of a multiple matched coils within the device. Use the manufacturers test procedure, but augment with a Fluke DMM in parallel & the Fluke Connect app to provide real time display of what is actually happening!!!
BDD Transformer Differential Relay with Percentage and Harmonic Restraint
BDD Transformer Differential Relay with Percentage and Harmonic Restraint
Results: Calibrate Relay - Not so much… BDD & PDD Task training time nor subsequent performance WHY: Task did not change substantively Screenshots/measurement data Before/after workflow (steps to complete a process) Links to video Task quality was unaltered. Metric Goal Before After Total change Training 8 manhours -30% 10 hr 9.5 hr 5% Performance 4 manhours 4 hr 3hr 25% How do you anticipate that using the Fluke Connect app and tools will impact business? For example, what is the change before/after using Fluke Connect as demonstrated by what kind of Metric? Sample metrics include hours to complete job, cost of parts, estimated years life extension of equipment, reduction in load draw extrapolated into energy use reduction. You can reference work orders, energy usage reports and other collateral that showcase time or costs savings.
Results: Operation of equipment – BAM. Operation of injection test set training time was significantly reduced. Why: Learning task change substantially, integrate FLUKE Connect. Screenshots/measurement data Before/after workflow (steps to complete a process) Links to video Metric Goal Before After Total change Training 8 manhours -30% 10 hr 1 hr 90% Performance 4 manhours 4 hr 75% How do you anticipate that using the Fluke Connect app and tools will impact business? For example, what is the change before/after using Fluke Connect as demonstrated by what kind of Metric? Sample metrics include hours to complete job, cost of parts, estimated years life extension of equipment, reduction in load draw extrapolated into energy use reduction. You can reference work orders, energy usage reports and other collateral that showcase time or costs savings.
Impact & Recommendations The students QUICKLY gained proper techniques and confidence with FLUKE tools. Excellent Manuals Superior Safety Lend themselves to easy tasks and simple trouble shooting That confidence significantly shortened learning curves on unfamiliar tools when we could integrate FLUKE Connect. Recommend training programs begin with DMM in teaching principles and continue with the DMM in hand as a “Go-To” tool while learning advanced tasks and trouble shooting. Instill the principle – “We do not know until it has been measured.” Why do you think the wireless Fluke Connect tools and smart phone app will make a difference, compared to existing technology / methodology? AKA, why can’t your project/improvement be accomplished without Fluke Connect? Why should it be used by technicians in plant, industrial, and commercial settings.
Lessons learned Placing the FLUKE Connect tools in the hands of the students met most of our learning objectives. Once enable, they raced past our expectations. Data collection and reporting happened real time – not one week later. TPAK is effectively a requirement. You need to read the manual… (sighs) This was fun and exciting