Sycamore Class Homework Mathletics Mathletics has been set for you! KEEP PRACTICING YOUR TIMES TABLES ON TT ROCK STARS – YOU’RE ALL DOING SO WELL! Sycamore Class Homework Tuesday 11th June Due in – Monday 24th June SCIENCE – Life Cycles If you would like to contact us to ask about homework or discuss any other concerns, then please ring the office to make an appointment or leave a message with the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your support, Mrs A Thompson and Mrs Walmsley Our next topic in Science is life cycles so for homework we would like you to do a double page on the life cycle of a bird in your Nature Journal. Ensure you include some writing with interesting sentences openers. Please include pictures or diagrams. Notes Our P.E days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday so please can you ensure that you have your P.E/swimming kits in school for these days. If any of you have your ears pierced, you must make sure they can be removed to your P.E lesson. Thank you. Then choose one - Can you put our new spelling words into sentences? Write one sentence each for the matching pair. Find a book You like and read it. Simple Please write in your reading diaries. Maths – Can you find the Olympic record for long jump? Measure how tall you are? How many times would your height divide into the long jump record? Topic Project for Thursday 11th July Our new topic is Ancient Greece so we would like your next project to be linked to this; you can write about a topic of your choosing for example what life was like, how we know about the Ancient Greeks, conquerors and warriors, art or architecture. You may present your project as you wish but please use some of the features of Y5 writing. Can you write a rap about a Greek god or goddess to share in class? Spellings (Test on Friday) Important knot jogged Subscribe future planning Make your homework DOJO worthy!