SI President & President of Women for Water Mariet Verhoef-Cohen Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau Plenary Panel Session Gender Equality for Water & Food Security @MarietCohen
A partnership of women’s organisations and networks, uniting women in leadership in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the EECCA region, and Western Europe; Implementing projects in the field of water and sanitation, irrigation, water management, income generation, vocational training & education; Positioning women as active leaders, partners, experts & agents of change. A membership of over 70,000 women in 122 countries - Educating, Empowering and Enabling women & girls worldwide; An international presence, advocating on behalf of women and girls on key thematic topics, with ECOSOC Status and Representatives at seven UN Centres. Do we need this one?
Gender Equality for Water & Food Security “nothing about them without them” Any more in here?
Water & Food Security a global challenge >>> 821 million people undernourished; >>> 151 million children under 5 suffer stunted growth; >>> Global obesity levels 672 million; >>> 2.5 billion small scale farmers affected by climate change; >>> Extreme weather = disruption in food production; shortages and price spikes; >>> 30% do not have access to safely managed water services at home; >>> 60% do not have adequate sanitation; >>> Women & girls spend 152-200 million hours a day collecting water. Sources: FAO and SOFI, 2018
Equality, Water & Food Security An intersectional issue 1 No Poverty 2 Zero Hunger 4 Quality Education 5 Gender Equality 6 Clean Water & Sanitation 7 Affordable & Clean Energy
Nothing about them - without them >>> Agriculture is the single largest employment source globally; >>> Women are crucial in translating agricultural production - work is often invisible; >>> Climate change increases the burden on women - water and food collection; >>> Women have less access and control over land, natural and productive resources, services and inadequate or inaccessible infrastructure; >>> Women are increasingly positioned as head of households; >>> Women make up 43% of agricultural labour in developing countries, producing between 60 and 80 per cent of the food; >>> Lack of Sex Disaggregated data limits and disempowers women; >>> Ongoing engineering culture disempowers women and limits opportunities. Any more in here?
Towards Gender Equality for Water & Food Security >>> A change in mind-set – women as agents of change; >>> Combine the implementation of SDG5 & 6 in national plans; >>> Women must be included decision-making at all levels; >>> Involve women in design/budgeting/implementation/monitoring & evaluation; >>> Increase potential for education & vocational training; >>> Improve access to safe water & gender responsive sanitation; >>> Sex Disaggregated data must be collected to inform government policies; >>> Provide direct financing to women projects and its organisations. Any more in here?
SI President & President of Women for Water Mariet Verhoef-Cohen Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau Plenary Panel Session Gender Equality for Water & Food Security @MarietCohen