The Disciple Maker Index Findings & Consultation Catholic Leadership Institute Tending the Talents This material is a product of the strategic alliance between Catholic Leadership Institute and Leadership Legacies -© 2012 Leadership Legacies, LLC • All rights reserved • Do not duplicate • GDS-TEND-D1D2-VA-v1.0-2012-09-18
Over-Communicate Clarity In parishes that effectively over-communicate, the People of God understand what the parish is about and how they contribute to its mission. Because of this, there is a strong sense of common purpose and direction. Ways to Over-Communicate Clarity: three most critical practices of effective organizational communication: Repetition Simple Messages Multiple Mediums List at least 8 media, vehicles, or ways you can communicate with your people. Page 33
When Communicating DMI results are a gift from your parishioners, a significant input Focus on Context Use the national and diocesan statistics as benchmarks to reach or succeed Be sure the “Net Promoter Score” is clearly described The results are a starting place to help you focus more directly on spiritual growth and engagement Page 34-35
Plan to Effectively Communicate Use your Communication Plan Worksheet to determine how to share what you learned with the parish and say thank you. Consider Your Target Audiences Parishioners School Parents Pastoral Council and Finance Council Parish Staff Ministry Leaders Determine best medium to reach each audience Page 34-35